COMP3005 Final Project
Version 2
Team 19
Tanisi Das 101216265
Ashley Fong 101226835
13 April 2024
Demonstration Video (Youtube Link):
Repository Includes:
DDL.sql: DDL file to create tables
DML.sql: DML file to insert into tables Application code This file
How to test application:
1. Ensure python is on your computer
2. Install psycopg2 if you don't have it yet with: "pip install psycopg2" or "pip3 install psycopg2" depending on pip version
3. Open pgAdmin and set up database called "finalproject" or change database name in connect() function to one that is on your computer
4. Download to your computer. Open terminal in that directory or open with VSCode.
5. Run "python3" / "python" in terminal or run directly in VSCode.
6. Follow the prompt in the menu to see all functions.
7. Use pgAdmin to see how commands and inputs can manipulate the database.