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Update GetIntuneAppsWithAssignedGroups.ps1
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ashisharya65 authored Jan 19, 2024
1 parent a3e0fd7 commit 1059c65
Showing 1 changed file with 351 additions and 0 deletions.
351 changes: 351 additions & 0 deletions Intune_Scripts/Apps/GetIntuneAppsWithAssignedGroups.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
PowerShell Script to get all Intune applications deployed to an Azure AD Group.
WIth this Powershell script, one can easily get all the Intune applications where an Azure AD group is assigned.
Author : Ashish Arya
Date : 06 April 2023

#Function for Setting Environment Variables
Function Set-EnvtVariables {
Function set the environment variables in user context.
This script will help you to create the user environment variables on the device where you are executing this script.
This script will ask you to provide the Clientid, ClientSecret and Tenantid from your Azure AD app created for PowerShell-Graph API integration.
Name: Set-EnvtVariables
[string] $ClientId,
[string] $ClientSecret,
[string] $TenantId

$EnvtVariables = @(
Value = $ClientId
Value = $ClientSecret
Value = $TenantId

Foreach ($EnvtVar in $EnvtVariables) {

Try {
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($EnvtVar.Name, $EnvtVar.Value, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
Write-Host "The $EnvtVar was created successfully." -ForegroundColor 'Green'
Catch {
Write-Host "Unable to set the $($EnvtVar.Name) environment value. So please set the Environment variables for your Azure AD registered app in order to execute this script successfully." -ForegroundColor 'Red'


#Function To get the access token
Function Get-AuthToken {
This function uses the Azure AD app details which in turn will help to get the access token to interact with Microsoft Graph API.
This function uses the Azure AD app details which in turn will help to get the access token to interact with Microsoft Graph API.
As a prerequisite for executing this script, you will require the MSAL.PS powershell module for authenticating to the API.

# Checking if the MSAL.PS Powershell module is installed or not. If not then it will be installed.
$MSALPSModule = Get-Module -Name 'MSAL.PS' -ListAvailable

if ($null -eq $MSALPSModule) {
Write-Host "MSAL.PS PowerShell module is required to be installed on this machine in order to connect to MS Graph API. Hence installing it" -ForegroundColor 'Yellow'
Install-Module -name 'MSAL.PS' -Scope CurrentUser -Force

# Azure AD app details
$authparams = @{
ClientId = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_CLIENT_ID")
TenantId = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_TENANT_ID")
ClientSecret = ([System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET") | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)
$auth = Get-MsalToken @authParams

$authorizationHeader = @{
Authorization = $auth.CreateAuthorizationHeader()

return $authorizationHeader


#Function to get all Intune app
Function Get-IntuneApp() {

This function is used to get applications from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any applications added
Returns any applications configured in Intune
NAME: Get-IntuneApplication


$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps"

try {

$uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri –Headers $authToken –Method Get).Value | ? { (!($_.'@odata.type').Contains("managed")) }


catch {

$ex = $_.Exception
Write-Host "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $([int]$ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)" -f Red
$errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



#Function to get all the assignment details associated with an Intune app
Function Get-IntuneAppAssignment() {

This function is used to get an application assignment from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets an application assignment
Returns an Application Assignment configured in Intune
NAME: Get-ApplicationAssignment



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps/$ApplicationId/?`$expand=categories,assignments"

try {

if (!$ApplicationId) {

write-host "No Application Id specified, specify a valid Application Id" -f Red


else {

$uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri –Headers $authToken –Method Get)



catch {

$ex = $_.Exception
$errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



# Getting all the Azure AD group details
Function Get-AADGroup() {

This function is used to get AAD Groups from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any Groups registered with AAD
Returns all users registered with Azure AD
NAME: Get-AADGroup



# Defining Variables
$graphApiVersion = "v1.0"
$Group_resource = "groups"

try {

if ($id) {

$uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Group_resource)?`$filter=id eq '$id'"
(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri –Headers $authToken –Method Get).Value


elseif ($GroupName -eq "" -or $null -eq $GroupName) {

$uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Group_resource)"
(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri –Headers $authToken –Method Get).Value


else {

if (!$Members) {

$uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Group_resource)?`$filter=displayname eq '$GroupName'"
(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri –Headers $authToken –Method Get).Value


elseif ($Members) {

$uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Group_resource)?`$filter=displayname eq '$GroupName'"
$Group = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri –Headers $authToken –Method Get).Value

if ($Group) {

$GID = $


$uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Group_resource)/$GID/Members"
(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri –Headers $authToken –Method Get).Value





catch {

$ex = $_.Exception
$errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



#Checking if the environment variables for the Azure AD app are created or not
if ($null -eq (Get-ChildItem env: | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "Azure_*" })) {

Write-Host "`nThe environment variables for Azure AD app are not created. Hence creating..." -ForegroundColor "Yellow"


# Access token for authenticating to MS Graph
$authToken = Get-AuthToken

# Getting all the Intune applications details
$AllApps = Get-IntuneApp | Where-Object { ($_.displayName -like 'Vnext*') -or ($ -eq '496f0651-a965-47d9-b6d6-5e2fa912e4dd') `
-or ($ -eq '931f5abe-b519-471f-8187-e98a8cb12f8d') -or ($_.displayName -eq 'MicrosoftInfoPath2013_15.0.4753.1001_v1.0') } | `
Select-object displayName, id

# Prompt for enter the Group name
$GroupName = Read-Host -prompt "`nEnter the group name associated to the apps"

# Azure AD Group Object id
$Groupid = (Get-AADGroup -GroupName $GroupName).id

# Looping through all the apps to get those apps which has the group in the assignment section
Write-Host "`Checking if the $GroupName group is assigned to any app or not" -ForegroundColor 'Yellow' -NoNewLine
1..5 | Foreach {
Write-Host "." -F "Yellow" -NoNewLine
Start-Sleep $_

$Applist = @()
Foreach ($App in $AllApps) {

$AssigedGroupId = ((Get-IntuneAppAssignment -applicationId $App.Id) | Select-Object @{n='GroupId';e={$_.groupId}}).GroupId

If ($AssigedGroupId -eq $Groupid) {
$Applist += $App.displayName

If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Applist)){
Write-Host ("`nThe $GroupName group is not assigned to any app.") -ForegroundColor "Yellow"
Write-Host "Collating all the applications details" -F "Yellow" -NoNewLine
1..5 | Foreach {
Write-Host "." -F "Yellow" -NoNewLine
Start-Sleep $_
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "`n---------------------------------"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "| Application Names |"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "---------------------------------"

#Writing all the Application names to the console
Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Cyan" "$Applist"


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