#QOmdb A simple Qt/QML wrapper for the The Open Movie Database ( OMDb API ).
#List of properties
- id
- title
- year
- plot { Short, Full }
- type { Movie, Series, Episode }
- returnType { Json, Xml }
- includeTomatoRatings
#Requirement Qt >= 5.3 and C++11
- Clone
- Run qmake && make
- Copy directory imports to your project location
- To make the engine to search for this module, add the path where the imports directory is using addImportPath.
For eg. If the directory imports is at location /home/ashish/QOmdbTest then,
QQuickView view;
import QtQuick 2.5
import QOmdb 1.0
QOmdb {
id: omdb
title: "Back to the Future"
plot: QOmdb.Short
onFinished: {
if(isJson) {
var data = JSON.parse(doc)
for (var key in data) {
console.log("Key:", key, "Value", data[key])
listview.model.append({"key": key, "info": data[key]})
#Contact Feel free to contact me for any questions at ashishd157 at gmail.com