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VS Code extension to assist PostgreSQL source code developers


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PostgreSQL Hacker Helper


This is a Visual Studio Code extension to assist PostgreSQL source code developers. It allows to investigate Node * variables to obtain it's real type based on NodeTag and provide some other utilities.


More info you can find in documentation for pg variables view.

Investigate real type of Node *

While debugging you can observe variables of Node * type with it's real type. They appear in separate action view.

Overview of extension

It behaves like Debug->Variables view, but no colorization (limitations of VS Code Extension framework) and automatically detects real type of Node * variables.

Show contents of containers

Extension support showing contents of containers: List (including Oid, TransactionId, int and custom user pointer types) and Bitmapset.

List * expansion

Bitmapset elements are displayed:

  • $elements$ - elements of set (array of integers)
  • $length$ - number of entries in set

Bitmapset expansion

Also, there is support for C-arrays (like PlannerInfo->simple_rel_array) - array is displayed using it's length.

Planner expansion

Currently, there are 36 registered array members, but you can add your own using pgsql_hacker_helper.json configuration file.

Show where Bitmapset references

Bitmapset and Relids often store indexes of other elements in other places. Extension knows 53 such elements. I.e. PlannerInfo->all_relids or RelOptInfo->eclass_indexes.

Bitmapset references

Show Expr in their text representation

In members of Expr nodes you can see their text representation. I.e. for OpExpr you will see something like a.x = 1. This works for most of Exprs, except bulky (SubPlan, Case, ...).

Show Exprs text representation

Also, there are shortcuts for: EquivalenceMember, RestrictInfo and TargetEntry. Their expressions are displayed right after their member, so you will not have to keep opening and closing variables to see what's inside. A quick glance will make it clear what's inside!

Expressions of equivalence members displayed immediately

NOTE: not all and not always Exprs will be displayed. Some of subtypes just not supported (i.e. SubPlan or Case). Also, for displaying representation it's required to have range table. In such cases placeholder is displayed.

Dump Node * state to log

In PostgreSQL there is pprint(Node *) which dumps passed Node variable to stdout with pretty printing it. Using 'Dump Node to log' option in variable context menu you also will be able to do so.

call pprint


Extension uses pgindent for formatting C code. It integrates with VS Code extension and available with Format Document or Ctrl + Shift + I shortcut (or another key binding if overridden).

To enable this set formatter for C in settings (i.e. .vscode/settings.json for workspace):

    "[c]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "ash-blade.postgresql-hacker-helper"

Or specify formatter manually using Format Document With.... Select PostgreSQL Hacker Helper in pick up box.

Formatter work

Feature supported for PostgreSQL starting from 10 version.

This feature using tools from src/tools. If they are unavailable extension will try to build or download them.

Primary tool required is pg_bsd_indent. If PostgreSQL version lower than 16 extension will ask you for pg_config path - it is required to build pg_bsd_indent. Look for warning message from extension in left bottom corner.

Using command PgSQL: Show diff preview for PostgreSQL formatter you can preview changes made by formatter.

Extension bootstrapping

Extension can help with creation of basic PostgreSQL extension files: Makefile, control file, source files (C, SQL) and tests.

Just run command Bootstrap extension and enter initial values (extension name, description, required files). Extension will be created inside contrib directory.



This is a configuration file for extension. It stored inside .vscode directory in your repository - .vscode/pgsql_hacker_helper.json. You can use config file to extend built-in capabilities if there is no support for something yet.

Example json:

    "version": 4,
    "specialMembers": {
        "array": [
                "typeName": "PlannerInfo",
                "memberName": "simple_rel_array",
                "lengthExpression": "simple_rel_array_size"
                "typeName": "RelOptInfo",
                "memberName": "partexprs",
                "lengthExpression": "part_scheme->partnatts"
                "typeName": "GatherMergeState",
                "memberName": "gm_slots",
                "lengthExpression": "nreaders + 1"
    "aliases": [
            "alias": "PlannerRef",
            "type": "PlannerInfo *"
    "typedefs": "my.typedefs.file",
    "customListTypes": [
            "type": "char *",
            "member": ["UserData", "knownNames"]
            "type": "struct FileChunks *",
            "variable": ["ProcessFileChunks", "chunks"]


  • 3 array special members (pointer field used as array) - "typeName"->"memberName" will be shown with length "typeName"->"lengthExpression", not as simple pointers.

  • PlannerRef - custom user typedef for PlannerInfo *.

  • UserData->knownNames is a List * that contains pointer elements not Node *, but char * (List of strings). Variable chunks in function ProcessFileChunks is a List that contains pointer elements not Node *, but struct FileChunks *.

  • User provided custom typedefs list (used by formatter).

For more info check configuration file documentation.

Extension Settings

There are 4 settings:

  • postgresql-hacker-helper.logLevel - Log level

    Minimum level of log messages in Output channel. By default - INFO. If using VS Code 1.74.0 ang greater use Output channel logger settings.

  • postgresql-hacker-helper.srcPath - Path to source code directory

    Relative path to custom PostgreSQL source code directory. Use it, if source code files are not in your workspace root (i.e. in ${workspaceFolder}/postgresql). Used for searching for required files (node tag files, pg_bsd_indent and so on). If not specified search starts from workspace root. (Next, this settings will be used as *SrcPath*).

  • postgresql-hacker-helper.nodeTagFiles - Files with NodeTag files

    List of paths points to files that contain NodeTags.

    • If path is absolute - specified files will be used directly.
    • If path is relative, search starts from source files directory (see postgresql-hacker-helper.srcPath).
    • If not specified, *SrcPath*/src/include/nodes/nodes.h and *SrcPath*/src/include/nodes/nodetags.h will be used.
  • postgresql-hacker-helper.pg_bsd_indentPath - Path to pg_bsd_indent

    Path to pg_bsd_indent tool. Required for formatting support. Use it if you have pg_bsd_indent installed globally or want to use specific version.

    • If not specified, it will be searched in *SrcPath*/src/tools directory.
    • If specified, and failed to run extension will try to build it. NOTE: If required, it will be downloaded (wget is required) and built.


Extension tries to be compatible with multiple versions of both VS Code and PostgreSQL.

Minimal supported version of:

  • VS Code - 1.30
  • PostgreSQL - 8.0

It is tested manually and not all use cases might be covered. If you found bug specific to some version please create issue.

Also, extension will target latest VS Code version and try to use the full functionality of new versions. So, use latest VS Code versions to get new features earlier.

For using formatter minimal supported version Postgres is 10.

WARN: I do not stand that all extension features will work as expected on all versions

Known Issues

Known issues:

  • If in pointer variable was garbage, extension will not detect it and expand this variable (may be garbage). Usually, this will not lead to fatal errors, just note this.
  • To get NodeTags extension reads all available NodeTag files (from settings), but these files may be not created (./configure or make not run). I assume by time of debugging start files will be created, so extension catch them and process.
  • Works only with ms-vscode.cpptools extension. Currently, no support for other DAP adapters (i.e. Code LLDB). Reason: strongly tied to output format of this extension (not only expression evaluation, but stack trace format i.e.)
  • Sometimes formatting can misbehave. This is due to pg_bsd_indent internal logic. If formatting is not applied try run command again. If file after formatting is a mess this can be due to errors in logic.
  • Some operations require data to be allocated (usually, for function invocation). For this, palloc and pfree are used. So if you are debugging memory subsystem you may want to disable extension, because it may affect debugging process.
  • Some operations require for some work to be done with system catalog. For example, to get function name using it's Oid. So, system catalog (system cache) can be modified during extension work.

Release Notes


Add variable from PG Variables to Watch view.

More accurate Var representation extracting to prevent ERROR throwing.


Do not show List as expandable if it is NIL.

Add more checks for Bitmapset before search elements to prevent SEGFAULT and backend crash.

Do not show words member for Bitmapset.

Binary features info is cached for current debug session, not for current step.

Typedef logic not worked correctly for Node variables. Specifically, MemoryContext did not show valid struct, i.e. not AllocSetContext.


Add support for custom pointer types in List * elements. Earlier, all void * were casted to Node *. Users also can specify their own custom List types in configuration file.

Fix memory leaking when evaluating Expr representation (get_func_name and get_opname were not pfreed).

Fix caching not working for Expr representations. This led to performance degradations (multiple same evaluations).

Add more checking when working with system catalog or some other functions (MemoryContext validity checking and so on).

Tracking of postgres binary features (i.e. bms_next_member presence) for more performance.

Do not show initial_elements, head and tail members of List *.


Fix error message appeared when making debugger steps too fast.


Show expression representation of Expr nodes.

Show expression of TargetEntry, EquivalenceMember and RestrictInfo in description field to quick check elements of corresponding arrays.


Update contents of created configuration file (by command).

1.5.0 (pre-release)

Add custom typedefs file setting in configuration file. This may be useful, if you want to change it and do not affect another workspaces. This is configured in typedefs member.

Update configuration file layout version to 3.


No changes


Add typedefs.list file preprocessing for feeding to pg_bsd_indent. Processed file saved in /tmp/pg-hacker-helper.typedefs.list file and may be reused between different sessions.


Add missing formatting rules when running pg_bsd_indent. #3.


Fix invalid handling of pg_bsd_indentPath setting. #2


Fix invalid struct detection in variables view: top level structs are not expandable.

Add extension files bootstrapping: Makefile, *.c, *.sql, *.control, tests.

Fix variable length arrays fields displayed as expandable.

Support for fixed size array expansion.


Add support for custom PostgreSQL source code directories. Custom directory can be specified using postgresql-hacker-helper.srcPath setting.

Fix invalid logging for VS Code with version greater 1.74.0.


Add formatting functionality using pg_bsd_indent integrated with VS Code: can use with Format Document command or Ctrl + Shift + I (keybinding).

Add showing RangeTblEntry and RelOptInfo to which Bitmapset points. RangeTblEntry shown from Query->rtable, RelOptInfo - from PlannerInfo->simple_rel_array. Referencing also available for other Bitmapsets which points not to rte or rel.


Add check for breakpoint in bms_first_member to avoid infinite loop.

Add support for MemoryContext Node.


Expand range of supported versions both for PostgreSQL (from 8.0) and VS Code (from 1.30).

Add support for Bitmapset for versions below 16.

Add support for List with Linked List implementation.

Fix log level updated only after extension or VS Code reload.

Fix invalid Node cast in some cases when declared type has struct keyword.


Fix invalid List behaviour with different declared type - members shown for declared type, not List members.

Add 137 new array special members.

Optimize extension activation performance.

Treat Plan struct as Node variable.


Fix Bitmapset elements not shown for postgres version below 17


Add support for Bitmapset and Relids - show elements of set.

Add custom user type aliases for Node types in configuration

Update config file layout. Current version - 2.

Hide postgres variables view when not in debug mode.


Remove EPQState from array special members

Add T_XidList support


Add more special members.

Separate json configuration file to add your own special members.

Specifying real NodeTag in variable name if it differs from declared type. Shows in square brackets.

Setup logging infrastructure. Availability to change minimum log level.

Command and button to force refresh Pg variables view.

Setting to add custom files with NodeTags.


Only valid pointers are expanded in Pg variables view


Displaying of Node * variables in separate view in Debug view container.

Call pprint(Node *) on selected variable in Variables view.


Go to Issues if you want to say something: bugs, features, etc...