library stack
nounMultiple libraries and services configured and composed together with the purpose of automating common development practices: compilation, linting, typechecking, testing, test coverage, benchmarking and releasing.
Composition over hierarchy - While similar to a Framework, providing an opinionated ways of handling certain development topics, it intentionally leaves visible the containing libraries details - configuration file, npm scripts, commit hooks etc.
🐝 🌊 Continuous stack refactoring - Configuration freedom and choice over their application core libraries, focusing on zero lock-in and experimentation with new libraries and workflows.
Compile TypeScript files inside src
folder, with type definitions and source
Create bundles for both ESM and CommonJS modules. Use package.json
and module
, to point to the appropriate bundle depending on who is
consuming it.
typescript -
A superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output. -
swc -
A super-fast compiler written in Rust; producing widely-supported JavaScript from modern standards and typescript. -
swc-register - Transpile JSX, TypeScript and esnext features on the fly with
. It will respect yourtsconfig.json
if provided.
# "build.types": "tsc --emitDeclarationOnly --outDir dist-types",
# "build.js-esm": "swc src --out-dir dist-esm --config module.type=es6",
# "build.js-cjs": "swc src --out-dir dist-cjs --config module.type=commonjs",
# "prebuild": "rm -rf dist-cjs dist-esm dist-types",
# "build": "npm run build.js-esm && npm run build.js-cjs && npm run build.types",
npm run build
eslint -
Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code. -
prettier -
Opinionated code formatter. Enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it with its own rules that take the maximum line length into account, wrapping code when necessary. -
markdownlint -
Style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files. -
commitlint -
Check your commit messages meet the conventional commit format. -
lint-staged -
Run linters against staged git files and don't let 💩 slip into your codebase!
# "lint.js": "eslint --quiet src",
# "": "markdownlint '*.md' --ignore",
# "lint": "npm run lint.js && npm run",
npm run lint
- typescript -
A superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
# "typecheck": "tsc --noEmit",
npm run typecheck
Tap Nirvana is a proper diffing reporter for TAP. -
Monitor changes in your application and automatically run an npm script - perfect for development.
# "test": "tape -r swc-register 'src/*.test.ts' 'src/**/*.test.ts' | tap-nirvana",
npm run test
# "tdd": "nodemon --watch src --ext js,ts,json --exec 'npm test'",
npm run tdd
c8 -
Output coverage reports using Node.js' built in coverage. -
Service for test coverage reporting.
Use either .coveralls.yml
environment variable to
submit the reports to your project, see Coveralls Currently Supports These
CIs for details.
# "precoverage": "rm -rf coverage",
# "coverage": "c8 npm test && c8 report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls",
npm run coverage
- benny
A dead simple benchmarking framework for JS/TS libs.
# "prebenchmark": "rm -rf benchmark",
# "benchmark": "node -r swc-register src/**/*.bench.ts",
npm run benchmark
Fully automated version management and package publishing. -
CircleCI -
Continuous integration platform.
See the releases section for details.