Для русскоязычных пользователей документацию можно найти здесь.
The ASCENMMO admin panel provides an easy-to-use interface for managing game servers. You can register a new game, and the admin panel will return a unique game ID, which can then be used for registering players in the game.
- Go to the link ascenmmo.com/admin/games to access the admin panel.
- Register a new game by filling out the required fields.
- Obtain a unique game ID that will be used by clients to register players.
With the admin panel, you can also launch other game servers, such as UDP, WebSocket, and TCP. This will allow you to create high-performance multiplayer games.
Detailed documentation for connecting is available at ascenmmo.com/developer/doc.
To ensure the service functions correctly, you need to set the environment variables. Here’s an example you can use:
package env
var (
ServerAddress = "ascenmmo.com" // Server address
TokenKey = "_remember_token_must_be_32_bytes" // Unique authentication token
var (
RunMultiplayer = true // Enable multiplayer mode
RunAdminPanel = true // Enable admin panel
MultiplayerPort = "8080" // Port for multiplayer mode
MongoURL = "mongodb://username:[email protected]:27017" // MongoDB connection URL
MultiplayerMaxRequestPerSecond = 5 // Maximum requests per second for multiplayer mode
var (
RunUdpServer = true // Enable UDP server
UdpServerPort = "8081" // Port for UDP server
UdpServerConnectionPort = "4500" // Connection port for UDP
UdpServerMaxRequestPerSecond = 200 // Maximum requests per second for UDP server
var (
RunWebsocketServer = true // Enable WebSocket server
WebsocketServerPort = "8082" // Port for WebSocket server
WebsocketServerConnectionPort = "4240" // Connection port for WebSocket
WebsocketServerMaxRequestPerSecond = 100 // Maximum requests per second for WebSocket server
var (
RunTcpServer = true // Enable TCP server
TcpServerPort = "8083" // Port for TCP server
TcpServerMaxRequestPerSecond = 5 // Maximum requests per second for TCP server
Make sure that the ports specified in the environment variables correspond to the settings in your docker-compose.yml
. If you are using MongoDB, create a db.env
file with the following variables to initialize the database:
and MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD`` in the config file
env/env.gounder the
MongoURL` variable.
After configuring the environment variables and docker-compose.yml, you can start the project with the following command:
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --build
This command will create and run all services in the background, and rebuild them if necessary. If you need to free up space, you can use the command to clean up unused images:
Once the project is running, you can access the admin panel at:
Here, you will need to register and add a game. Upon successful registration, the admin panel will return a unique ID for your game, which can be used for connecting game clients and registering players.
- Developer Documentation: Here you will find detailed instructions on connecting to game servers, as well as API usage examples.
- Admin Panel: Use this link to open the admin panel, register your game, and obtain a unique ID for client connections.
- GitHub Repository: The project's source code, including server and client components. You can download it and run it on your server.
With the ASCENMMO admin panel and the ability to launch game servers, you can easily manage multiplayer games and ensure their stable operation. If you have any questions or issues, please refer to the documentation or reach out to the developer community for assistance.
We hope this project will be useful for your game development and help you create engaging multiplayer experiences!
multiplayer, gaming, game-server, admin-panel, UDP, WebSocket, TCP, Go, Golang, MongoDB, docker, game-development, real-time, api, server-client, cross-platform, game-management, developer-tools, open-source, ASCENMMO
, игровой сервер
, высоконагруженный
, бесплатное развертывание
, Docker
, кроссплатформенный
, игровая разработка
, сеть
, многопользовательская игра
, админка
, управление играми
, аутентификация
, токены
, Golang
, open-source
, MongoDB
, WebSocket
, реальное время
, инструменты для разработчиков
, game server
, high-performance
, free deployment
, Docker
, cross-platform
, game development
, network
, multiplayer game
, admin panel
, game management
, authentication
, tokens
, Golang
, open-source
, MongoDB
, WebSocket
, real-time
, developer tools