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CNOS Restapi Module & Telemetry Role for support of Lenovo's CNOS-based networking devices in Ansible


  • Module provides access CNOS Restapi for switch management functions.
  • Python Script to generate telemetry roles based on user input



Cnos Restapi Module

Performs restapi operations from a remote server on devices running Lenovo CNOS.


This module performs restapi operations on a device running CNOS. The Restapi operations retrieve, modify and create resources on the CNOS device. It provides a way to manage CNOS devices remotely from server.


parameter required default choices Description
outputfile yes null [] This specifies the file path to which the output of each command execution is persisted. Responses from the device are saved here. Usually the location is the results folder. But your user can choose which ever path he has write permission.
host yes null [] This is the variable which used to look into /etc/ansible/hosts file so that device IP addresses on which this template has to be applied is identified. Usually it specifies the ansible keyword {{ inventory_hostname }} which is specified in the playbook which is an abstraction to the group of network elements that need to be configured.
username yes null [] Configures the username to use to authenticate the connection to the remote device. The value of username is used to authenticate the REST session. The value has to come from inventory file ideally; you can even enter it as variable.
password yes null [] Configures the password to use to authenticate the connection to the remote device. The value of password is used to authenticate the REST session.The value has to come from inventory file ideally you can even enter it as variable.
use_ssl no True [True,False] Transport layer used by the RESTAPI. False value indicates http plaintext communication over port 8090. True value indicates https secured encrypted communication
urlpath yes null [] URL Path of the RESTAPI
method yes null [GET,PUT,POST] The HTTP method of the request. GET is typically used for querying objects. POST is typically used for creating/querying objects. PUT is typically used for modifying objects
jsoninp no null [] Input JSON dictionary. Used by POST, PUT method to input request parameters


The following are examples of using the module cnos_restapi. These are written in the main.yml file of the tasks directory.

- name: Configure BST feature using a JSON string
    host: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
    username: '{{ username }}'
    password: '{{ password }}'
    outputfile: "./results/test_restapi_{{ inventory_hostname }}_output.txt"
    use_ssl: True
    urlpath: /nos/api/cfg/telemetry/bst/feature
    method: PUT
    jsoninp: '{"collection-interval": 20, "send-async-reports": 1,
             "send-snapshot-on-trigger": 1, "trigger-rate-limit": 1,
              "async-full-report": 0, "trigger-rate-limit-interval": 11,              "bst-enable": 1

- name: Fetch BST feature using a JSON string
    host: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
    username: '{{ username }}'
    password: '{{ password }}'
    outputfile: "./results/test_restapi_{{ inventory_hostname }}_output.txt"
    use_ssl: True
    urlpath: /nos/api/cfg/telemetry/bst/feature
    method: GET

- name: Fetch BST feature using a JSON string
    host: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
    username: '{{ username }}'
    password: '{{ password }}'
    outputfile: "./results/test_restapi_{{ inventory_hostname }}_output.txt"
    use_ssl: True
    urlpath: /nos/api/info/telemetry/bst/congestion-drop-counters
    method: POST
    jsoninp: '{"req-id" : 1, "request-type" : "port-drops", "request-params": {"interface-list": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2", "Ethernet1/3"]}}'

Return Values

On successful execution, the method returns an string with the following message in JSON format: "RESTAPI [GET,PUT,POST] urlpath is successful"

Upon any failure, the method returns an error display string.

Python Script to generate telemetry roles based on user input

The python script creates telemetry roles based on user input. It creates commands, results, template, tasks and vars sub-directory, populating the tasks and the variable in the tasks and variable directory respectively.

The script is executed using the python. "python"

User input Description

  The ansible rolename to be used in the playbook. A directory is created with the rolename with the commands, results, template, tasks 
  and vars sub-directory. 
Controller IP
  The IP address of the controller which receives the telemetry data from the switch. 
Controller Port
  The controller's TCP listening port that receives the telemetry data from the switch. 
Controller Vrf
  The vrf of the configured IP address. This value is either management or default
Heart beat interval
  The switch sends a heartbeat to the configured controller every few seconds. The heartbeat interval is configured by this    
  parameter. The range is between 1 and 600.
Report type
  The type of telemetry report.
  1 - Predictive Congestion Report 
  2 - Congestion_Detection
  3 - Capacity_Planning
Report Type Description
Predictive Congestion Report This selection sets thresholds on certain realms. On reaching or exceeding the configured threshold, the switch sends reports to the controller. Trigger Rate Interval is the interval when these threshold reports are sent to the controller from the switch. realm is the realm that use choose to configure the threshold. The script request user to enter the indexes and the threshold values for the configured realm.
Congestion_Detection This selection configures congestion detection reports periodically. There are four types of congestion reports supported. top-drops reports the ports experiencing maximum congestion. The number of ports and the periodicity of the report is further required as input for top-drop report. port-drops reports the port specific congestion.The list of interfaces and the periodicity of the report is further required as input for port-drop report. top-port-queue-drops reports the port queues experiencing maximum congestion. The number of port queues, the periodicity of the report and queue-type are further requested as input for top-port-queue-drops report. port-queue-drops reports port queues specific congestion. The list of interfaces, type of queue, periodicity and queue list is further required as input for port-queue-drops report.
Capacity Planning This selection configures a periodic report of the current realms buffer count. The periodicity of the report is further given as input.

Module and Role Deployment

Download the zip or tar.gz file containing and unzip into local directory.


  • GPLv3
  • Copyright (C) 2017 Lenovo, Inc.


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