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common-lisp: tutorial six code
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deadtrickster committed Mar 2, 2016
1 parent f742e60 commit cba1f15
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Showing 2 changed files with 100 additions and 0 deletions.
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions common-lisp/rpc-client.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@

sbcl --noinform --noprint <<EOF
(ql:quickload :cl-bunny.examples)
(ql:quickload :nibbles)
(in-package :cl-bunny.examples)
(defun int64-to-octets(val)
(let ((obuffer (fast-io:make-output-buffer)))
(fast-io:write64-be val obuffer)
(fast-io:finish-output-buffer obuffer)))
(defun start-client (n)
(with-connection ("amqp://")
(with-channel ()
(let ((x (exchange.default))
(server-queue "rpc_queue")
(reply-queue (queue.declare :auto-delete t))
(lock (bt:make-lock))
(condition (bt:make-condition-variable))
(result nil))
(format t " [x] Requesting fib(~a)~%" n)
(bt:with-lock-held (lock)
(subscribe reply-queue (lambda (message)
(bt:with-lock-held (lock)
(setf result (nibbles:sb64ref/be (message-body message) 0))
(bt:condition-notify condition))))
(publish x
(int64-to-octets n)
:routing-key server-queue
:properties (list :correlation-id (format nil "~a~a~a" (random 100) (random 100) (random 100))
:reply-to reply-queue))
(bt:condition-wait condition lock)
(format t " [.] Got ~a~%" result)
(start-client 0)
(start-client 1)
(start-client 22)
(start-client 33)
(start-client 44)
(start-client 55)
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions common-lisp/rpc-server.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@

sbcl --noinform --noprint <<EOF
(ql:quickload :cl-bunny.examples)
(ql:quickload :nibbles)
(in-package :cl-bunny.examples)
(defun int64-to-octets(val)
(let ((obuffer (fast-io:make-output-buffer)))
(fast-io:write64-be val obuffer)
(fast-io:finish-output-buffer obuffer)))
(defun fibonacci (n)
"Successive squaring method from SICP"
(check-type n (integer 0 *))
(labels ((fib-aux (a b p q count)
(cond ((= count 0) b)
((evenp count)
(fib-aux a
(+ (* p p) (* q q))
(+ (* q q) (* 2 p q))
(/ count 2)))
(t (fib-aux (+ (* b q) (* a q) (* a p))
(+ (* b p) (* a q))
(- count 1))))))
(fib-aux 1 0 0 1 n)))
(with-connection ()
(with-channel ()
(let ((x (exchange.default))
(q (queue.declare :name "rpc_queue" :auto-delete t)))
(format t " [x] Awaiting RPC requests~%")
(subscribe q (lambda (message)
(let* ((n (nibbles:sb64ref/be (message-body message) 0))
(r (fibonacci n)))
(format t " [.] fib(~a)~%" r)
(publish x
(int64-to-octets r)
:routing-key (message-reply-to message)
:properties (list :correlation-id (message-correlation-id message)))))
:type :sync)
(sb-sys:interactive-interrupt ()

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