Silex extension to read php .ini files used for configurations.
Add the following to composer.json.
"autoload" : {
"psr-0" : {
"ConfigExtension": "ConfigExtension/src/ConfigExtension/"
This assumes the ConfigExtension folder is in the same directory as composer.json
Run: "composer dumpautoload"
Here is an example of its usage.
We have this .ini file:
options.driver = "pdo_pgsql"
options.dbname = "name" = "localhost"
options.user = "myuser"
options.password = "mysecretpass"
dbal.class_path = "%basepath%/vendor/doctrine/lib/vendor/doctrine-dbal/lib/"
common.class_path = "%basepath%/vendor/doctrine/lib/vendor/doctrine-common/lib/"
orm.class_path = "%basepath%/vendor/doctrine/lib/"
And the index.php:
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new Silex\Application();
$app->register(new \ConfigExtension\Extension\ConfigExtension(), array(
// specify the .ini file to read
'config.path' => __DIR__ . '/../config/app.ini',
// and the var replacements
'config.replacements' => array('basepath' => __DIR__ )
// retrieve just one value form teh config file
$db_name = $app['config']->get('');
// adds all the specified section to the silex application
$app['config']->registerSection($app, 'db');
// $app['db.options.driver'] now has pdo_pgsql
$app->get('/', function () use ($app)
return var_export($app['config']->getSection('db'), true);
Visiting '/' shows:
array (
'db.options.driver' => 'pdo_pgsql',
'db.options.dbname' => 'name',
'' => 'localhost',
'db.options.user' => 'myuser',
'db.options.password' => 'mysecredpass',
'db.dbal.class_path' => '/Users/alinares/Sites/test/vendor/doctrine-dbal/lib/',
'db.common.class_path' => '/Users/alinares/Sites/test/vendor/doctrine/lib/vendor/doctrine-common/lib/',
'db.orm.class_path' => '/Users/alinares/Sites/test/vendor/doctrine/lib/',