This demo is an exercise of MEAN with books.
Video available at
Presentation available at
Your assignment: Fix the TODO's
Create a directory workspaces
in your home directory.
mkdir ~/workspaces
Clone the repository with:
git clone ~/workspaces/books
Go to the working directory
cd ~/workspaces/books
See the README in ~/workspaces/books/data how to import the initial seed
Copy config.js.default
to config.js
cp ~/workspaces/books/server/config/config.js.default ~/workspaces/books/server/config/config.js
Change the database, port and emailaddress.
module.exports = {
development: {
db: 'mongodb://localhost/books-dev',
port: 3000,
debug: true
, test: {
db: 'mongodb://localhost/books-tst',
port: 3000,
debug: false
, production: {
The archive is without the node modules.
Install with
cd ~/workspaces/books/server
npm install
Node.js starts default with the development environment.
To set explicitly the environment, use an environment variable. With this, you do not have to change a single line of code for switching environments.
Valid values are defined in the config/config.js file (development, test, production).
export NODE_ENV=development
Make sure you have nodemon
installed - with the global option
npm install -g nodemon
Use it with
See the README in ~/workspaces/books/tests
how to perform tests
- Verify that you have a explanatory
- Installation instructions
- Configuration instructions
- Import data instructions
- Run instructions
- Test instructions
- Export data
- Make sure that the output directory exist
mkdir ~/workspaces/books/data
- Make an export of your data with mongodump
mongodump -d books -o ~/workspaces/books/data
- Create in ~/workspaces/books/data a with import instructions.
- Import instructions
- Make sure that the output directory exist
- Tests
- static-analyzer with 0 errors
- Unit tests with 0 errors
- End-to-end tests with 0 errors
- Push the repository