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Julian Krumow edited this page Feb 8, 2024 · 19 revisions

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Configure Keynote to work with ACShell

For best results the Keynotes managed with ACShell should be created with these preference settings:

General --> Saving --> Embed copies of audio and movies in documents: on

This makes sure that all audio and video files that you have aded to the presentation will be synchronized and wont be missing on an other user's computer.

File --> Advanced --> Change File Type --> Single File

This makes sure that presentations are synchronized as one file.

Configure ACShell to run in editor mode

An ACShell user is a reader by default. That means you can only synchronize presentations from the presentation server and view them in ACShell. The editor mode instead lets you add, edit and upload presentations from inside ACShell. If you need to be an editor, you will have to enter the following command in the terminal:

defaults write de.artcom.ACShell editingEnabled -bool true

To become a reader again:

defaults write de.artcom.ACShell editingEnabled -bool false

This setting will be stored in ~/Library/Preferences/de.artcom.ACShell.plist. Just in case you need to get rid of them.

Technical Things

Where is all information stored?

  • Library Settings: ~/Library/Application Support/AC Shell/settings
  • Application settings, roles, server uri: ~/Library/Preferences/de.artcom.ACShell.plist

How can I reset the application completely?

First quit ACShell (Cmd+Q). Then delete the following folders and files:

  • ~/Library/Application Support/AC Shell
  • ~/Library/Preferences/de.artcom.ACShell.plist

To make OS X forget all ACShell settings open the terminal and enter the following command:

defaults delete de.artcom.ACShell