This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions
Please feel free to use a different markup language if you do not plan to run rake doc:app
7) How to run elasticsearch on terminal
In the terminal, run ‘elasticsearch’
In a separate tab in the terminal, run ‘rake searchkick:reindex CLASS=Listing’
*read more on reference link on top to learn when to reindex and when not to:
In a separate tab in the terminal, run ‘bundle exec rails s’
THIS BELOW IS the code for adding date picker to reservation show page: <!– ANOTHER FORM IN RAILS –>
<h2><%= t(".title") %></h2> <%= form_for ([@listing, @reservation]) do |form| %> <h3>Check In Date:</h3> <%= form.label :start_date %> <%= form.text_field :start_date %>
<h3>Check Out Date:</h3>
<%= form.label :end_date %> <%= form.text_field :end_date %> <div class="control"> <%= form.label :nb_guests %> <%= form.number_field :nb_guests, placeholder: "Number of Guests", class: "nb_guests", id: "nb_guests" %> </div> <h1>Price per night:</h1><span id="p_p_n" class="title is-1"><%= @listing.price_per_night %></span> <p >Total price:</p><div id="totalprice">0</div> <%= form.submit %> <% end %>
<% if @errors %>
<% for mess in @errors do %> <p><%= mess %></p> <% end %>
<% end %>
<p id=“chin” class=“title is-2”></p> <p id=“chout” class=“title is-2”></p>
var date_debut, date_fin; var parseDateDebut = function(input){ date = new Date(input); return date; }; $("#reservation_start_date").change(function(){ date_debut = parseDateDebut($("#reservation_start_date").val()); $("#chin").html(date_debut); if (date_fin != undefined){ $('#totalprice').html(calculateDuration(date_debut, date_fin)); } }); $("#reservation_end_date").change(function(){ date_fin = parseDateDebut($("#reservation_end_date").val()); $("#chout").html(date_fin); if (date_debut != undefined){ $('#totalprice').html(calculateDuration(date_debut, date_fin)); }; }); var calculateDuration = function(date_debut, date_fin){ var price = $("#p_p_n").html(); var ppn = parseFloat(price); var duration = Math.ceil((date_fin - date_debut) / (1000 * 3600 * 24)); return total = duration * ppn; }