This application is a demonstration of Clojure for the greatest Julien Plumez's restaurants application. Basically, it's a trivial business application to demonstrate how the Clojure ecosystem could solve the exact same problems with simple building blocks.
From a Java perspective, here is what we use:
Building block | Java | Clojure | Code |
Build tools | Maven | Leiningen | project.clj |
Dependency Injection | Spring | component | system.clj |
Database libraries | JPA | JDBC, SEQL | db.clj |
Transaction | Spring | JDBC | service.clj |
Database migrations | Flyway | Ragtime | migrations.clj |
Connection pools | HikariCP | HikariCP | datasource.clj |
Configuration files | YAML | EDN | config.edn |
Install Leningen :
lein run