an ABF extension to upload images to remote storage via rclone
has a concept of "local" target and "publish" targets
local will push the uncompressed image aka the .img
file to a specified location. My example use case is it uploaded to my local NAS via smb
Publish will push .xz
artifacts to a specified location. By default it also publishes all of these files in a folder matching the full final ${version}
name of the build
by default it just installs the rclone
in the build instance/container's apt repo.. If you need an newer version (ex: need the one with SMB support) use the RCLONE_INSTALL_LATEST="yes"
flag to skip apt and install the package directly.
copy or shallow clone this into userpatches/extensions/rclone-upload
the rclone configuration file must be located inside the userpatches/extensions/rclone-upload/config
you can generate a config file via rclone --config userpatches/extensions/rclone-upload/config/rclone.conf
and follow the prompt or borrow from the rclone.conf.example
you my also use seperate conf files and specify them via config variables:
for local
for publish
declare -g RCLONE_INSTALL_LATEST="yes" # needed for SMB support when using jammy base
declare -g RCLONE_LOCAL_CONFIG_NAME="rclone-nas.conf"
declare -g RCLONE_LOCAL_TARGET="nas:mirror/armbianImages"
declare -g RCLONE_PUBLISH_CONFIG_NAME="rclone-s3.conf" # both of these could be in same config
declare -g RCLONE_PUBLISH_TARGET="objectstore:mybucket/myprefix"
declare -g RCLONE_PUBLISH=yes # you might just want to set this flag as an argument during ./
enable_extension rclone-upload