The novel bit is in lettercounts. It was a lot more work in Go (I wrote a reference solution in PHP with about 7 lines of code) but in Go I know UTF-8 is going to work because it made me take it into account with its Rune datatype. And if anyone had to maintain this after I was gone they could see all the extra UTF-8 code(ie it is not abstracted away into a library.)
Create a registration form that would be production-ready. The form should have the following fields:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Message (textarea with 1000 characters maximum)
The form should be responsive and have two primary modes: browser and mobile. Use css to accomplish the responsive behavior.
Wireframes are provided in the /wireframes directory (we're all about creative directory naming...). The dotted lines are meant to indicate alignment.
Place all of your HTML in the index.html and all your CSS inside styles.css. We have included normalize.css file ( in the css directory as well. This will help standardize css, but it is not required that you use it. Please do not use any other external css libraries (bootstrap, material UI, etc).
Do not worry about making any links work, or form(s) posting. You are encouraged to make the form visually appealing with intuative UI, error states etc. That being said, you are not being judged on your design sensabilities- we're more concerned that your work meets the criteria layed out and that you pay attention to detail, not whether you're a rockstar designer (although if you are, we also have UI/UX positions available).
Use javascript to validate the fields. Please do not use any frameworks (react, angular, etc), however, you may use jQuery if you would like.
All fields except for phone are required.
You should also vaildate that the email address is not already taken. You can do this by using an API:
- Endpoint: to test)/
- Method: GET
- Success Response 200 OK
- Error Response 409 Conflict (email already exists); 400 Bad Request (invalid email)
Since this is a static API, the values won't change. For testing, the following email addresses will cause a conflict: [email protected], [email protected]
You have the option to use one of the following languages for this part:
- Ruby
- Python
- JavaScript
- Go
- Java
- C++
In a separate file, create a class (or it's equivalent in the language you chose). The class should contain each of the following methods:
This method accepts a string as a param, and returns an ordered array, hash, dictionary (depending on language).
The method will return each unique letter (case-insensitive) the string contains in order from most frequent to least frequent.
eg. if the input string is 'foo bar baz', the return for a ruby method should be: {a=>2, b=>2, o=>2, f=>1, r=>1, z=>1}. The detail of the return method will vary based on language but should maintain the order and count of each letter.
The second method takes an integer and returns an array with all of the integer's divisors(except for 1 and the number itself). In weakly typed languages (Ruby, Python, Javascript), if the number is prime return the string '(integer) is prime'. In strongly typed languages (Go, Java, C++), if the number is prime, it should return an empty array.
- divisors(12); #should return [2,3,4,6]
- divisors(25); #should return [5]
- divisors(13); #should return "13 is prime" or []
You can assume that you will only get positive integers as inputs.
You should be working in your own branch - generate commits at logical stop points. When you are finished, create a pull request and we will review your work. Do not push anything to master.
please don't hesitate to email [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] if you have any questions at all.