Releases: arithex/DragWheel
Releases · arithex/DragWheel
Experimental Prototype v1.1
Change Log
- Allow sound effects to be overridden with custom wav files.
- Also allow mouse wheelbutton to mapped to a keyboard scancode --
- only suitable for press-and-hold keys (because a short-tap will always set throttle to 50% and reset fov).
- but works great for the
callback, to take advantage of secondary stick buttons without sacrificing one of them. - eg:
<add key="ScancodeForMouseWheelButton" value="0x39"/><!-- [spacebar] -->
Experimental Prototype v1.1
Change Log
- Implemented rudimentary tracking of throttle-lever position, and audible feedback when your throttle hits the minimum/maximum extent (and push-through afterburner detent).
- This greatly enhances the HOTAS feel and improves confidence -- you can now push throttle all the way up (or pull all the way back) without looking at your RPM gauge, or even waiting for the RPM to respond.
- NOTE: for this to work, you must have mousewheel-sensitivity (in Falcon settings) set all the way to minimum.
- Bonus feature: for those with a 5-button mouse.. you can map the two x-buttons to keyboard scancodes.
- Some fun ideas:
- PTT for UHF/VHS comms
- Look-ahead / Check-six
- Look-closer / Reset-FOV
- Speedbrake in/out
- Chaff/Flare programs (eg. slap switch / pgm #6)
- Some fun ideas:
Experimental Prototype
Read the ReadMe, and fly at your own risk!