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29 Commits

Repository files navigation


Some common and advance useful GIT command

Clone a git repository

$ git clone RepositoryAddress
$ git clone

# If it prints a file path, look at the contents of that file for further information. That files also ignored
$ git config core.excludesfile

Upload a new repositary

$ echo # ASDf >>
$ git init
$ git add # . for all
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u origin master


# To show the origin
$ git remote -v

# To change the origin
$ git remote set-url origin [email protected]:arif2009/OnlineRegistrationSystem.git

Clear cmd

-> press q 
$ clear

To show the git history/log

$ git log		
$ git reflog # Show the current branch history
$ git reset --hard master@{"10 minutes ago"}		
$ git reset --hard master@{1}		
$ git reset --hard master@{14:30}		
$ git log --oneline
$ git show # Show the last commit
$ gitk # Show the log of all user changes
$ git diff # show the local changes
$ git log --graph or gitk. # Both also accept --all, which will show all the branches instead of just the current one.
$ git log --all --grep='company name must be bigger' # Search the commit log (across all branches) for the given text.
$ git shortlog -s -n
$ gitk --follow [filename] # --follow : Continue listing the history of a file beyond renames (works only for a single file).
$ git for-each-ref --format='%(committerdate) %09 %(authorname) %09 %(refname)' | sort -k5n -k2M -k3n -k4n # List Remote Git Branches By Author

Show the git command history

$ history #

Show the current branch with status

$ git status

Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch

$ git pull
$ pull origin master
$ git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories # If you change git origin
# Note: $ git pull = $ git fetch + $ git merge

To add file

$ git add fiename

Commit(Save state. It save locally. You can create save state as much as you can)

$ git commit -m "Message" # -a for all

To Push

$ git push origin BranchNameToPush

Push NewBranch to remot

$ git push origin NewBranch

Git Merge

# Combines the specified branch’s history into the current branch
$ git merge BranchName

# How do I merge a version of a single file from one git branch to another?
$ git diff --stat myBranch # show the difference file between current branch to myBranch branch
$ git checkout --merge develop target.txt 
#merge target.txt from develop. Ex : $ git checkout --merge develop Web/Scripts/options/options.routing.js
$ git diff --stat myBranch # now you dont see the merged file (target.txt) in the file difference.

cherry-picking a commit

# Cherry picking in Git means to choose a commit from one branch and apply it onto another.

# Step-1: Make sure you are on the branch you want to apply the commit to.
$ git checkout master
# Step-2: Execute the following:
$ git cherry-pick <commit-hash>

Whene conflict use this to resolve

$ git mergetool

To show a file in command prompt

$ cat FileName
# Open file using notpad
$ start FileName

Switch branch

$ git checkout BranchName # For local
$ git checkout origin/BranchName # For remote

Create a branch

$ git checkout -b BranchName

Rename Branch

$ git branch -m OldName NewName

Create new branch and delete the old one

$ git checkout feature-2
$ git checkout -b arif/feature-2 #This branches will be create under arif directory
$ git branch -d feature-2

To discard changes in working file

$ git checkout FileName

To get local deleted file

$ git checkout -- .

Show the UserName

$ git config
# Show the commit of current user
$ git log --author="$(git config"
$ git log --committer="Arif"

Reset local repository exactly remote master repository

$ git reset --hard origin/master

# To move a individual commit / Move head to a point. This will destroy any local modifications. Don't do it if you have uncommitted work you want to keep.

$ git reset --hard #### ($git reflog to get the desire point)
$ git reset --hard 055c61b

# Then to push remote forcefully 
$ git push Origin BranchName -f

To show branch’s

$ git branch -a # All branch
$ git branch # Local branch
$ git branch -r # Remote branch
$ git branch -a | grep 'search keyword' # Search branch
$ git for-each-ref --format='%(committerdate:short),%(authorname),%(refname:short)' --sort=committerdate refs/heads/ | column -t -s ',' # show branch with date

Save to move another branch immediately

$ git stash # Save something to move another branch
$ git stash apply
$ git stash pop # git stash pop = git stash apply && git stash drop
$ git stash list # Show all list of stash

Remove directory from git and local

$ git rm -r one-of-the-directories
$ git commit -m "Remove duplicated directory"
$ git push origin master

Remove directory from git but NOT local

$ git rm -r --cached myFolder

Case sensitive rename—eg. from casesensitive to CaseSensitive—you must use a two step:

git mv casesensitive tmp
git mv tmp CaseSensitive

Add .gitignore file

# Using Command Prompt
> cd E:\Documents(Programming)\Asp.Net\AspMvcPractice
> ren .gitignore.txt .gitignore

$ touch .gitignore

$ git add .gitignore
$ git commit -m "add .gitignore file"

Push using different Account

# change URL in .git/config file
# https://youruser:[email protected]/user/repo.git


# Show the author Info
$ git config --list

# Show different config (global, user, repo, etc...)
git config --list --global

# Add Email and UserName
$ git config "[email protected]"		
$ git config "Arif"

# --soft indicates that the uncommitted files should be retained as working files opposed to 
# --hard which would discard them.

To see which config is set where

$ git config --list --show-origin

Show the difference

# To see a list of which commits are on one branch but not another, use git log
$ git log oldbranch ^newbranch --no-merges # show commit logs for all commits on oldbranch that are not on newbranch

# Viewing Unpushed Git Commits (view all commits that doesn't exist in origin/master)
$ git log origin/master..HEAD
$ git log --branches --not --remotes

# You can also view the diff using the same syntax
$ git diff origin/master..HEAD
$ git diff --name-only 543840a..e1aacf1

# Show local commits in a branch :
$ git log origin/BranchName..BranchName

# Get commits only for a specific branch (mybranch - develop):
$ git cherry -v develop mybranch
# This would show all of the commits which are contained within mybranch but NOT in develop.
# if you leave off the last option (mybranch), it will compare the current branch instead.

$ git diff # show uncommitted changes

Amending the most recent commit message

$ git commit --amend		


# Unstages the file in the current commit.
$ git reset <file> # Example : git reset <viewmodel.js>

# Unstages the file for future commits also. It's unstaged untill it gets added again with "$git add <file>".
$ git rm --cached <file> # Example : git rm --cached <viewmodel.js>

View a specific Git commit

$ git show <revhash>
$ gitk <revhash>
$ git show --pretty="" --name-only <revhash> # It will show only name


# Tag is a Lighter weight machinist than branch. It represents a version of a particular branch at a moment in time. It's like save point in database.
$ git tag 1.1.0 # Create tag named 1.1.0
$ git tag -a 1.1.5 -m "New release" # Create tag 1.1.5 with a message
$ git tag # To show already created tag
$ git show-ref --tags # To ahow the tag location
$ git tag 1.1.0 -d # Delete tag 1.1.0
$ git push --tags # push tags to remote
$ git tag -n9 or git tag -l -n9 #it will list all the tags along with annotations & 9 lines of message for every tag
$ git tag -l -n9 v3.* # will only display tags starting with "v3."


# If .gitIgnor gile not working
$ git rm -r --cached .
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Fixed untracked files"


-h for command help. Ex- $ git log -h
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Arifur Rahman ( [email protected] )


The MIT License Copyright © 2017 Arifur Rahman


Some common and advance useful GIT command








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