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Myst edited this page Jun 25, 2022 · 21 revisions

Please be aware that Ariadne will only support slash commands in the future. Check out the Discord Blog

Ariadnes commands are split up into multiple categories: Configuration, Star Conflict, Utility

Commands which reset the configuration or parts of it are marked with ❗. Use with caution.


You can configure the bot by using the configuration command (/config). This command has various subcommands which are listed below.

/config view - View your current configuration.

/config timezone [timezone] - Select your timezone. Setting this to your timezone will result in correct notifications at the correct time for you. Click here to see all supported timezones.

If you don't set this (unless you actually live in a country with the utc time) there will be notifications at the wrong time.

/configuration gamenick [nickname] - Tell the bot your ingame name. This has currently no real use but it will be used in the future.

/config language [language] - Ariadne supports the following languages:

  • en-US
  • fr-FR
  • ru-RU

Found a translation error? Help us! Read more here: Translating Ariadne

Tired of getting useless notifications when you sleep or work? Exclude certain hours, Ariadne won't send you messages within these hours. This can be done for each event independently.

/config hours include [game_mode] [hours] - Include certain hours again. You will receive notifications for the specified game mode in these hours again.

/config hours exclude [game_mode] [hours] - Exclude certain hours again. You won't receive notifications for the specified game mode in these hours again.

/config hours reset - If you messed it up and are too lazy to include and exclude certain hours again. Be aware this deletes every set hours for every gamemode.

/config game_mode enable [game_mode] - Enable notifications for the game_mode e.g for Brawls, Portals, etc. /config game_mode disable [game_mode] - Disable notifications for the game_mode e.g for Brawls, Portals, etc.

Star Conflict

/cargodrones [location] - Get the nearest cargo drone for your location.

/craft [ship] - Get the required resources for crafting a ship

/ores [ore] - Search a certain ore and get the location of it.

/patterns [event] - When will certain ingame events start? Use this command and find it out.

/shiploot [ship] - Star Conflict has a lot of special ship-bound equipment. Find out what it is and where you can find it in open space.

/statistics [type] [player] - Get the ingame statistics for a player. This either works with the ingame name or the uid. Types:

  • PVP
  • PVE
  • FULL (everything: PVP + PVE + CooP)
  • Image (Transforms the data in an image in combination with historic data for some extra flex)

/register guest - Register as guest.

/register player [username] [uid] - Register as star conflict player.

/delete - Delete your account.


/help (command) - Get all commands or details for a specific command.

/info - Informations about the Ariadne Bot.

/invite - Invite the bot to your discord server.

ping - You should know what this does.

/report [actual_behavior] [expected_behavior] - Report an error. A quick and dirty implemention only. Please use the support server.

Deprecated after version beta-

  • every /configuration command -> is /config now

  • /configuration excludedhours [event] [hours] - Tired of getting useless notifications when you sleep or work? Exclude certain hours, Ariadne won't send you messages within these hours. This can be done for each event independently. This is a planned feature and not usable right now. -> That's useable since a long time lmao

  • /configuration events [action] [events] - Disable certain notifications e.g for Brawls, Portals, etc.

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