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TAP-seq workflow

This repository contains a snakemake workflow that handles all data processing from fastq files to transcript counts and perturbation status matrices from TAP-seq experiments.

The workflow can be downloaded by simply cloning the repository into a location of choice:

git clone

The workflow can be executed through snakemake and conda. This only requires that conda and snakemake are installed. All other required dependencies will be installed through conda.

The data processing workflow consists of following steps:

1. Create TAP-seq alignment references

TAP-seq uses custom alignment references with added CROP-seq vector transcripts to the identify perturbation of each cell. The rules in workflow rules/create_alignment_refs.smk allow creation of such aligment references. The workflow supports references containing either the whole transcriptome or only TAP-seq target gene loci. The type of the alignment reference is provided by its name. The alignment reference name is made according to following pattern: species_type_suffix. A reference named hg38_tapseq_ref therefore specifies a TAP-seq, i.e. only containing target gene loci based on the human genome hg38. ref serves as a suffix to distinguish different references of the same type, e.g. references for different perturbation or target gene pools.

Alignment references for all samples are specifed in the first part of the config.yml file. Parameters for reference creation are also found in the config file. CROP-seq vector and target gene lists can be provided via files in meta_data/cropseq_vectors and meta_data/target_gene_panels. Which lists are used for each specified alignment reference is defined in the config file under: step 1: create alignment reference. See example files and reference to learn more about this.

This example workflow specifies two human alignment references with the same CROP-seq vectors, but one containing the whole transcriptome and one only example TAP-seq target gene loci. Alignment references for e.g. mouse could be created by changing/adding urls for mm10 in download_genome_annot in config.yml (for whole transcriptome) and changing/adding the mm10 BSgenome object in create_tapseq_ref (for target genes only). Using the species tag in alignment reference names enables creating references for multiple species/genomes within one project.

All alignment references used by the workflow can be created using the following command. The --sjdbOverhang STAR parameter might have to be adjusted in the create_genomedir section in the config file.

# create all aligment references defined in the config file (--jobs = number of threads to use in
# parallel, please adjust; -n = dryrun, remove it to execute)
snakemake --use-conda --jobs 2 alignment_references -n

This uses parallel computing, but the number of available threads of course depends on your system. By default STAR uses up to 5 threads, but this can be adjusted in the create_genomedir and star align sections of the config file. Providing 10 cores would therefore mean that 2 processes can be run entirely in parallel with each STAR process using 5 threads each.

2. Align reads

Reads can be aligned to created references using the snakemake rules in rules/align_reads.smk. This is based on the Drop-seq tools workflow. Input paired end fastq files for every sample are specified under samples in the config file. This assumes that files for each sample are located in one directory and follow the naming scheme prefix_sample_1_sequence.txt.gz and prefix_sample_2_sequence.txt.gz for read 1 and read 2 files. This naming scheme will likely have to be adapted by changing the get_fastq_files function in rules/align_reads.smk.

The cell number and alignment reference for each sample is specified by cell_numbers and align_ref in the config file. Parameters for each workflow step can also be changed via the config file.

Reads for all samples can be aligned by running following command. This also creates an alignment report for every sample in results/alignment.

# align reads for all samples
snakemake --use-conda --jobs 2 align_reads -n

3. Extract digital gene expression (DGE)

The last step of data processing consists of extracting transcript counts and the perturbation status for each cell in every sample. The main output of this step are dge.txt and perturbation_status.txt files for every sample containing the transcript counts and detected CROP-seq vector perturbations per cell. This also applies chimeric read filtering as proposed by Dixit et al., 2016.

DGE data can be extracted for all samples using following command, which also creates DGE reports in results/dge.

snakemake --use-conda --jobs 2 extract_dge -n

Executing the whole workflow

The whole workflow can be exectuted for all samples at once using the snakemake "all" rule by simply running:

snakemake --use-conda


A Snakemake workflow for TAP-seq data processing







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