This project is currently under development, stay tuned :)
RediSharp allows you to write C# code that will execute directly on the Redis server.
It does that by transpiling the C# code to Lua.
var dict = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>()
{"abc", new List<int>() {1, 2, 3}},
{"cde", new List<int>() {3, 4, 5}}
foreach (var elem in dict)
cursor.SetAdd("names", elem.Key);
foreach (var num in elem.Value)
cursor.SetAdd($"{elem.Key}_nums", num);
var union = cursor.SetCombine(SetOperation.Union, new RedisKey[] {"abc_nums", "cde_nums"});
var ts = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((int?) cursor.StringGet("exp") ?? 5);
cursor.StringSet("json", Json.Encode(union), ts);
return union;
local dictionary = {["abc"]={1, 2, 3}, ["cde"]={3, 4, 5}};
for _1,_2 in pairs(dictionary) do
local item = {_1,_2};
redis.pcall("SADD", "names", item[1])
for _,item2 in ipairs(item[2]) do
redis.pcall("SADD", item[1].."_nums", item2)
local array = redis.pcall("SUNION", "abc_nums", "cde_nums");
local value = 1000*((redis.pcall("GET", "exp") or 5));
if value==nil then
redis.pcall("SET", "json", cjson.encode(array))
elseif value~=nil then
redis.pcall("SET", "json", cjson.encode(array), "PX", value)
return array;
There are currently no exact guidelines/rules for contributing, but it's always welcome :)
Feel free to clone the repository, play with it, open issues, submit pull requests or email me at [email protected]
When we execute Lua scripts from C#, we lose a lot of the advanges that the C# compiler and the IDE offer, such as auto completion, compile-time error checking, debugging, and many more.
RediSharp aims to mitigate these issues.
- Primitive Types, Arrays, Dictionaries
- Conditions, Switch Statements, For/While/ForEach loops
- Anonymous Types
- TimeSpan
- String Operations (Join, Split, etc...)
- Math (Not All)
- Json
- Redis Commands: Strings, Lists, Hashes, Sets, Sorted Sets (Not All)
- Add more Redis commands (Complete Sorted Sets support, HyperHyperLog, Streams, etc...)
- Support more of C#'s syntax
- Custom methods (?)
- Custom types (structs) (?)
- Document
- Write more Tests
- Add debugging support
RediSharp.Demo is a demo project that utilizes the library.
RediSharp uses ILSpy to decompile compiled lambda function to a C# syntax tree.
See the CSharp folder.
RedIL is an intermidiate language that is created from C# code, and later compiled to Lua, and potentially other targets in the future (See "Future Plans").
Lua is written by traversing the RedIL using an IRedILVisitor.
See the Lua folder.
- LiveDelegate.ILSpy - MIT License (Uses ILSpy to decompile compiled delegates)
- StackExchange.Redis - MIT License
- Newtonsoft.Json - MIT License
- Transpiling C# Code directly to C code that will run as a Redis module.
This library is still at it's early stage of development and not meant to be production ready yet. Use at your own risk.