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Awesome Stars Awesome

A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred.


AGS Script

Adblock Filter List

  • the-advoid/ad-void - ✈️ An efficient AdBlock filter list that blocks ads, trackers, malware, phishing attempts, fake download links, fake search results, and a lot more if you want it to! Things like: cookie-consent banne
  • AdguardTeam/AdguardFilters - AdGuard Content Blocking Filters
  • uBlockOrigin/uAssets - Resources for uBlock Origin, uMatrix: static filter lists, ready-to-use rulesets, etc.
  • easylist/easylist - EasyList filter subscription (EasyList, EasyPrivacy, EasyList Cookie, Fanboy's Social/Annoyances/Notifications Blocking List)
  • AdguardTeam/AdGuardSDNSFilter - AdGuard DNS filter


  • screetsec/Pateensy - Payload for teensy like a rubber ducky but the syntax is different. this Human interfaes device ( HID attacks ). Penetration With Teensy




  • Kirlovon/devil-backdoor - Simple backdoor for public places, that uses a file system for communication. Just for fun! 😈








Classic ASP


  • penpot/penpot - Penpot: The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration
  • clojure/clojurescript - Clojure to JS compiler
  • metabase/metabase - The easy-to-use open source Business Intelligence and Embedded Analytics tool that lets everyone work with data 📊


  • mojs/mojs - The motion graphics toolbelt for the web




  • azkadev/terminal_flutter - Terminal Flutter Cross platform with flutter and dart
  • Livinglist/Hacki - A feature-rich Hacker News client.
  • waterbustech/waterbus - Open source video conferencing app built on latest WebRTC SDK. Android/iOS/MacOS/Web
  • tortuvshin/open-source-flutter-apps - 📱 List of open source Flutter applications :octocat:
  • FilledStacks/flutter-tutorials - The repo contains the source code for all the tutorials on the FilledStacks Youtube channel.
  • AweiLoveAndroid/Flutter-learning - :octocat:🔥 👍 🌟 ⭐ ⭐⭐ Flutter all you want.Flutter install,flutter samples,Flutter projects,Flutter plugin,Flutter problems,Dart codes,etc.Flutter安装和配置,Flutter开发遇到的难题,Flut
  • flutter/plugins - Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team
  • iampawan/FlutterExampleApps - [Example APPS] Basic Flutter apps, for flutter devs.
  • localsend/localsend - An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
  • AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy - Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is the AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The leading open source Notion alternative.
  • bytedance/flutter_ume - UME is an in-app debug kits platform for Flutter. Produced by Flutter Infra team of ByteDance
  • KRTirtho/spotube - 🎧 Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile!
  • Correia-jpv/fucking-awesome-flutter - An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more. 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴
  • rutvik110/Flutter-Animations - Exploring "Animations In Flutter", having fun building and writing about them while doing design challenges to see the extent of what Flutter can achieve.
  • simc/awesome-flutter-packages - A curated list of awesome Flutter packages.
  • nisrulz/flutter-examples - [Examples] Simple basic isolated apps, for budding flutter devs.
  • hiddify/hiddify-app - Multi-platform auto-proxy client, supporting Sing-box, X-ray, TUIC, Hysteria, Reality, Trojan, SSH etc. It’s an open-source, secure and ad-free.
  • Solido/awesome-flutter - An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
  • flutter/flutter - Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond



  • fuelen/owl - A toolkit for writing command-line user interfaces.
  • dwyl/learn-elixir - 💧 Learn the Elixir programming language to build functional, fast, scalable and maintainable web applications!
  • obfuscurity/food-recipes - Honest-to-goodness "real food" recipes

Emacs Lisp


  • nwchemgit/nwchem - NWChem: Open Source High-Performance Computational Chemistry





  • ffuf/ffuf - Fast web fuzzer written in Go
  • wagoodman/dive - A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
  • tonymajestro/reddit-tui - Terminal UI for reddit
  • skydive-project/skydive - An open source real-time network topology and protocols analyzer
  • moby/moby - The Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
  • subtrace/subtrace - Wireshark for Docker containers
  • msprev/fzf-bibtex - a BibTeX source for fzf
  • yorukot/tmlshock - A terminal ttl clock and stopwatch build by golang
  • nalgeon/howto - Humble command-line assistant
  • acheong08/obi-sync - Reverse engineering of the native Obsidian sync and publish server
  • noborus/ov - 🎑Feature-rich terminal-based text viewer. It is a so-called terminal pager.
  • Kaamkiya/gg - 👾 Games you can play in your terminal written in Go
  • darkhz/bluetuith - A TUI bluetooth manager for Linux.
  • yusufcanb/tlm - Local CLI Copilot, powered by Ollama. 💻🦙
  • rs/curlie - The power of curl, the ease of use of httpie.
  • danielmiessler/fabric - fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere.
  • heroiclabs/nakama - Distributed server for social and realtime games and apps.
  • moul/sshportal - 🎩 simple, fun and transparent SSH (and telnet) bastion server
  • ajlive/CommandLineMaze - A golang port of
  • andydunstall/piko - An open-source alternative to Ngrok, designed to serve production traffic and be simple to host (particularly on Kubernetes)
  • mislav/hub - A command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub.
  • charmbracelet/lipgloss - Style definitions for nice terminal layouts 👄
  • UndeadSec/DockerSpy - DockerSpy searches for images on Docker Hub and extracts sensitive information such as authentication secrets, private keys, and more.
  • sh0rez/asciimatrix - golang library to plot ascii text to a coordinate matrix in the terminal
  • irevenko/tsukae - 🐚📊 Show off your most used shell commands
  • tphakala/birdnet-go - Realtime BirdNET soundscape analyzer
  • arimatakao/mdx - mdx is a command-line interface program for downloading manga from the MangaDex website. The program uses MangaDex API to fetch manga content.
  • Wraient/octopus - Watch TV Show / Movies with cli
  • JasonLovesDoggo/caddy-defender - Caddy module to block or manipulate requests originating from AIs or cloud services trying to train on your websites
  • p-obrthr/all-in-intelligence - texas holdem poker per terminal
  • kyoh86/gogh - Gogh is a tool to manage GitHub repositories efficiently, inspired by ghq
  • irevenko/what-anime-cli - ❓🖼 Find the anime scene by image using your terminal
  • inancgumus/learngo - ❤️ 1000+ Hand-Crafted Go Examples, Exercises, and Quizzes. 🚀 Learn Go by fixing 1000+ tiny programs.
  • jon4hz/fztea - 🐬🧋 Remote control your flipper from the local terminal or over SSH
  • pomdtr/sunbeam - Command-line launcher
  • charmbracelet/bubbletea - A powerful little TUI framework 🏗
  • HFO4/ - 🕹️ A basic gameboy emulator with terminal "Cloud Gaming" support
  • dlvhdr/gh-dash - A beautiful CLI dashboard for GitHub 🚀
  • sqshq/sampler - Tool for shell commands execution, visualization and alerting. Configured with a simple YAML file.
  • ibnaleem/gosearch - 🔍 Search anyone's digital footprint across 300+ websites
  • ddddddO/packemon - Packet monster (っ‘-’)╮=͟͟͞͞◒ ヽ( '-'ヽ) TUI tool for sending packets of arbitrary input and monitoring packets on any network interfaces (default: eth0).
  • gleich/terminal - ssh
  • Achno/gowall - A tool to convert a Wallpaper's color scheme / palette, image to pixel art, color palette extraction, image upsacling with Adversarial Networks and more image processing features
  • connet-dev/connet - A p2p reverse proxy with NAT traversal. Inspired by frp, rathole and ngrok
  • dos-2/oddshub - A terminal UI designed for analyzing sports betting odds💰
  • ared469/tran - 🖥 Securely transfer and send anything between computers with TUI.
  • apchavan/go-youtube-downloader - CLI app to download YouTube Shorts & Videos!
  • oguzhantasimaz/goitar-hero - Guitar hero game in terminal.
  • abdfnx/tran - 🖥 Securely transfer and send anything between computers with TUI.
  • jesseduffield/lazydocker - The lazier way to manage everything docker
  • skanehira/docui - TUI Client for Docker
  • Edw590/VISOR---A-Voice-Assistant - V.I.S.O.R., my in-development AI-powered voice assistant with integrated memory!
  • zquestz/s - Open a web search in your terminal.
  • devspace-sh/devspace - DevSpace - The Fastest Developer Tool for Kubernetes ⚡ Automate your deployment workflow with DevSpace and develop software directly inside Kubernetes.
  • esimov/gospline - Implementing b-spline curves in Go
  • sachaos/tcpterm - tcpterm is a packet visualizer in TUI.
  • zyedidia/micro - A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
  • YABOIpy/GoDm - The Fast And Advanced Discord Multi-Tool
  • s0rg/crawley - The unix-way web crawler
  • toolctl/toolctl - The tool to control your tools
  • maaslalani/slides - Terminal based presentation tool
  • cli/cli - GitHub’s official command line tool
  • jesseduffield/lazygit - simple terminal UI for git commands
  • bensadeh/circumflex - 🌿 It's Hacker News in your terminal
  • akiomik/vimeo-dl - A cli tool to download private videos on vimeo. Written in golang.
  • moonD4rk/HackBrowserData - Extract and decrypt browser data, supporting multiple data types, runnable on various operating systems (macOS, Windows, Linux).
  • majd/ipatool - Command-line tool that allows searching and downloading app packages (known as ipa files) from the iOS App Store
  • go-shiori/shiori - Simple bookmark manager built with Go
  • charmbracelet/vhs - Your CLI home video recorder 📼
  • urfave/cli - A simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go
  • dnote/dnote - A simple command line notebook for programmers
  • bebop/poly - A Go package for engineering organisms.
  • pterm/pterm - ✨ #PTerm is a modern Go module to easily beautify console output. Featuring charts, progressbars, tables, trees, text input, select menus and much more 🚀 It's completely configurable and 100% cross-pl
  • ared469/termshark - A terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark
  • wader/fq - jq for binary formats - tool, language and decoders for working with binary and text formats
  • teler-sh/teler - Real-time HTTP Intrusion Detection
  • kubescape/kubescape - Kubescape is an open-source Kubernetes security platform for your IDE, CI/CD pipelines, and clusters. It includes risk analysis, security, compliance, and misconfiguration scanning, saving Kubernetes
  • Melkeydev/go-blueprint - Go-blueprint allows users to spin up a quick Go project using a popular framework
  • TheZoraiz/ascii-image-converter - A cross-platform command-line tool to convert images into ascii art and print them on the console. Now supports braille art!
  • yorukot/superfile - Pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager
  • rivo/tview - Terminal UI library with rich, interactive widgets — written in Golang
  • hahwul/MobileHackersWeapons - Mobile Hacker's Weapons / A collection of cool tools used by Mobile hackers. Happy hacking , Happy bug-hunting
  • hahwul/DevSecOps - ♾️ Collection and Roadmap for everyone who wants DevSecOps. Hope your DevOps are more safe 😎
  • dreddsa5dies/goHackTools - Hacker tools on Go (Golang)
  • SimonWaldherr/golang-examples - Go(lang) examples - (explain the basics of #golang)
  • OpenDiablo2/OpenDiablo2 - An open source re-implementation of Diablo 2
  • lk-geimfari/awesomo - Cool open source projects. Choose your project and get involved in Open Source development now.
  • stashapp/stash - An organizer for your porn, written in Go. Documentation:
  • prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator - Prometheus Operator creates/configures/manages Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes
  • adnanh/webhook - webhook is a lightweight incoming webhook server to run shell commands
  • muesli/duf - Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternative
  • dutchcoders/ - Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line.
  • ory/hydra - The most scalable and customizable OpenID Certified™ OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider on the market. Become an OpenID Connect and OAuth2 Provider over night. Broad support for related RFCs. Written i
  • wtfutil/wtf - The personal information dashboard for your terminal
  • v2fly/v2ray-core - A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
  • bww/occu-pi - The Occu-pi door controller
  • cjimti/iotwifi - Raspberry Pi (arm) wifi configuration container. Configure and control wifi connectivity with a JSON based REST api.
  • AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome - Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
  • crowdsecurity/crowdsec - CrowdSec - the open-source and participative security solution offering crowdsourced protection against malicious IPs and access to the most advanced real-world CTI.
  • jvns/dns-doctor -
  • DominicBreuker/pspy - Monitor linux processes without root permissions
  • safing/portmaster - 🏔 Love Freedom - ❌ Block Mass Surveillance
  • fatedier/frp - A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
  • chenjiandongx/sniffer - 🤒 A modern alternative network traffic sniffer.
  • eldadru/ksniff - Kubectl plugin to ease sniffing on kubernetes pods using tcpdump and wireshark
  • kevwan/tproxy - A cli tool to proxy and analyze TCP connections.
  • crazy-max/WindowsSpyBlocker - Block spying and tracking on Windows
  • gcla/termshark - A terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark
  • kubeshark/kubeshark - The API traffic analyzer for Kubernetes providing real-time K8s protocol-level visibility, capturing and monitoring all traffic and payloads going in, out and across containers, pods, nodes and cluste
  • projectdiscovery/uncover - Quickly discover exposed hosts on the internet using multiple search engines.
  • srl-labs/containerlab - container-based networking labs
  • gravitational/teleport - The easiest, and most secure way to access and protect all of your infrastructure.
  • gravitl/netmaker - Netmaker makes networks with WireGuard. Netmaker automates fast, secure, and distributed virtual networks.
  • netbirdio/netbird - Connect your devices into a secure WireGuard®-based overlay network with SSO, MFA and granular access controls.
  • tailscale/tailscale - The easiest, most secure way to use WireGuard and 2FA.
  • XTLS/Xray-core - Xray, Penetrates Everything. Also the best v2ray-core. Where the magic happens.
  • prometheus/prometheus - The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.
  • gin-gonic/gin - Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
  • caddyserver/caddy - Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
  • securitybunker/databunker - Secure Vault for Customer PII/PHI/PCI/KYC Records
  • evanw/esbuild - An extremely fast bundler for the web
  • utkuozdemir/nvidia_gpu_exporter - Nvidia GPU exporter for prometheus using nvidia-smi binary
  • tinygo-org/tinygo - Go compiler for small places. Microcontrollers, WebAssembly (WASM/WASI), and command-line tools. Based on LLVM.
  • lcvvvv/kscan - Kscan是一款纯go开发的全方位扫描器,具备端口扫描、协议检测、指纹识别,暴力破解等功能。支持协议1200+,协议指纹10000+,应用指纹20000+,暴力破解协议10余种。
  • BishopFox/sliver - Adversary Emulation Framework
  • projectdiscovery/subfinder - Fast passive subdomain enumeration tool.
  • owasp-amass/amass - In-depth attack surface mapping and asset discovery
  • coroot/coroot - Coroot is an open-source APM & Observability tool, a DataDog and NewRelic alternative 📊, 🖥️, 👉. Powered by eBPF for rapid insights into system performance. Monitor, analyze, and optimize your infrastr
  • hakluke/hakrawler - Simple, fast web crawler designed for easy, quick discovery of endpoints and assets within a web application
  • michenriksen/aquatone - A Tool for Domain Flyovers
  • sundowndev/phoneinfoga - Information gathering framework for phone numbers
  • lu4p/osinfo - A Cross-Platform Module for Collecting OS Information in Golang
  • lu4p/embed-encrypt -
  • qwqdanchun/spp - A simple and powerful proxy
  • qwqdanchun/fscan - 一款内网综合扫描工具,方便一键自动化、全方位漏扫扫描。
  • refraction-networking/utls - Fork of the Go standard TLS library, providing low-level access to the ClientHello for mimicry purposes.
  • deepfence/FlowMeter - ⭐ ⭐ Use ML to classify flows and packets as benign or malicious. ⭐ ⭐
  • deepfence/PacketStreamer - ⭐ ⭐ Distributed tcpdump for cloud native environments ⭐ ⭐
  • cloudwego/netpoll - A high-performance non-blocking I/O networking framework focusing on RPC scenarios.
  • esrrhs/pingtunnel - Pingtunnel is a tool that send TCP/UDP traffic over ICMP
  • everywall/ladder - Selfhosted alternative to and bypass paywalls with a proxy ladder and remove CORS headers from any URL
  • alexandregama/golang-tutorials - Go Tutorials - Let's get our hands really dirty by writing a lot of Golang code
  • nyancrimew/goop - Yet another tool to dump a git repository from a website, focused on as-complete-as-possible dumps and handling weird edge-cases.
  • mikeroyal/Open-Source-Security-Guide - Open Source Security Guide. Learn all about Security Standards (FIPS, CIS, FedRAMP, FISMA, etc.), Frameworks, Threat Models, Encryption, and Benchmarks.
  • nicocha30/ligolo-ng - An advanced, yet simple, tunneling/pivoting tool that uses a TUN interface.
  • thypon/webcat - WebSocket CLI Netcat
  • opencoff/go-nc - Netcat in golang
  • NHAS/reverse_ssh - SSH based reverse shell
  • WangYihang/Platypus - 🔨 A modern multiple reverse shell sessions manager written in go
  • n1nj4sec/pr0cks -
  • Fahrj/reverse-ssh - Statically-linked ssh server with reverse shell functionality for CTFs and such
  • GhostTroops/scan4all - Official repository vuls Scan: 15000+PoCs; 23 kinds of application password crack; 7000+Web fingerprints; 146 protocols and 90000+ rules Port scanning; Fuzz, HW, awesome BugBounty( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...
  • lu4p/ToRat - ToRat is a Remote Administation tool written in Go using Tor as a transport mechanism and RPC for communication
  • EgeBalci/amber - Reflective PE packer.
  • tiagorlampert/CHAOS - 🔥 CHAOS is a free and open-source Remote Administration Tool that allow generate binaries to control remote operating systems.
  • zackproser/super_catfacts - A ridiculously over-engineered pranking service written in Golang and deployed via Kubernetes and Google Cloud
  • hahwul/dalfox - 🌙🦊 Dalfox is a powerful open-source XSS scanner and utility focused on automation.
  • anchore/grype - A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems
  • chaitin/SafeLine - SafeLine is a self-hosted WAF(Web Application Firewall) / reverse proxy to protect your web apps from attacks and exploits.
  • photoprism/photoprism - AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web 🌈💎✨
  • rclone/rclone - "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob, Azure Files, Yandex Files
  • charmbracelet/gum - A tool for glamorous shell scripts 🎀
  • txthinking/brook - A cross-platform programmable network tool
  • yeasy/docker_practice - Learn and understand Docker&Container technologies, with real DevOps practice!
  • FiloSottile/mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
  • techjacker/repo-security-scanner - CLI tool that finds secrets accidentally committed to a git repo, eg passwords, private keys
  • Bearer/bearer - Code security scanning tool (SAST) to discover, filter and prioritize security and privacy risks.
  • google/osv-scanner - Vulnerability scanner written in Go which uses the data provided by
  • future-architect/vuls - Agent-less vulnerability scanner for Linux, FreeBSD, Container, WordPress, Programming language libraries, Network devices
  • nikolaydubina/go-recipes - 🦩 Tools for Go projects
  • ContainerSSH/ContainerSSH - ContainerSSH: Launch containers on demand
  • goodwithtech/dockle - Container Image Linter for Security, Helping build the Best-Practice Docker Image, Easy to start
  • smallstep/cli - 🧰 A zero trust swiss army knife for working with X509, OAuth, JWT, OATH OTP, etc.
  • Ullaakut/cameradar - Cameradar hacks its way into RTSP videosurveillance cameras
  • tenable/terrascan - Detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native infrastructure.
  • drk1wi/Modlishka - Modlishka. Reverse Proxy.
  • authzed/spicedb - Open Source, Google Zanzibar-inspired database for scalably storing and querying fine-grained authorization data
  • j3ssie/osmedeus - A Workflow Engine for Offensive Security
  • google/syzkaller - syzkaller is an unsupervised coverage-guided kernel fuzzer
  • smallstep/certificates - 🛡️ A private certificate authority (X.509 & SSH) & ACME server for secure automated certificate management, so you can use TLS everywhere & SSO for SSH.
  • liamg/traitor - ⬆️ ☠️ 🔥 Automatic Linux privesc via exploitation of low-hanging fruit e.g. gtfobins, pwnkit, dirty pipe, +w docker.sock
  • trufflesecurity/trufflehog - Find, verify, and analyze leaked credentials
  • aquasecurity/trivy - Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more
  • mr-karan/doggo - 🐶 Command-line DNS Client for Humans. Written in Golang
  • grpc/grpc-go - The Go language implementation of gRPC. HTTP/2 based RPC
  • grafana/loki - Like Prometheus, but for logs.
  • techschool/simplebank - Backend master class: build a simple bank service in Go
  • alpkeskin/mosint - An automated e-mail OSINT tool
  • amir20/dozzle - Realtime log viewer for docker containers.
  • grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway - gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec
  • plandex-ai/plandex - Open source AI coding agent. Designed for large tasks and real world project.
  • zitadel/zitadel - ZITADEL - Identity infrastructure, simplified for you.
  • owncloud/ocis - ⚛️ ownCloud Infinite Scale Stack
  • jackc/pgx - PostgreSQL driver and toolkit for Go
  • gorilla/websocket - Package gorilla/websocket is a fast, well-tested and widely used WebSocket implementation for Go.
  • projectcalico/calico - Cloud native networking and network security
  • glasskube/glasskube - 🧊 The next generation Package Manager for Kubernetes 📦 Featuring a GUI and a CLI. Glasskube packages are dependency aware, GitOps ready and can get automatic updates via a central public package repos
  • projectdiscovery/nuclei - Nuclei is a fast, customizable vulnerability scanner powered by the global security community and built on a simple YAML-based DSL, enabling collaboration to tackle trending vulnerabilities on the int
  • JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh - The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
  • junegunn/fzf - 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder
  • SagerNet/sing-box - The universal proxy platform
  • gitleaks/gitleaks - Find secrets with Gitleaks 🔑
  • projectdiscovery/katana - A next-generation crawling and spidering framework.
  • avelino/awesome-go - A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software


  • bregman-arie/devops-resources - DevOps resources - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP




Inno Setup





Jupyter Notebook










  • tmhglnd/mercury - A minimal and human-readable language and environment for the live coding of algorithmic electronic music.


  • nim-lang/Nim - Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, an
  • adeemm/WinAPI-Fun - A collection of (relatively) harmless prank examples using the Windows API



  • semgrep/semgrep - Lightweight static analysis for many languages. Find bug variants with patterns that look like source code.




  • QC20/Tromino - Tromino is an engaging, pocket-sized interpretation of the classic Tetris game, designed for the Arduino Uno with an LCD shield. This project explores the intersection of physical computing, game desi
  • uetchy/m5stack-module - 🔩 OpenSCAD 3D model for custom M5Stack modules.





  • micans/bash-utils - Unix terminal histograms and bar charts (hissyfit). Small data/file munge, morph, find and count scripts/functions in various languages, mostly bash and perl. For apparix see the apparix repository t
  • sanko/App-bsky - Terminal Bluesky client in Perl
  • skx/sysadmin-util - Tools for Linux/Unix sysadmins.
  • AlisamTechnology/ATSCAN - Advanced dork Search & Mass Exploit Scanner
  • infobyte/evilgrade - Evilgrade is a modular framework that allows the user to take advantage of poor upgrade implementations by injecting fake updates.




  • sharkdp/insect - High precision scientific calculator with support for physical units










Standard ML



  • threehymns/awesome-terminals - A curated collection of modern, feature-rich (or minimal!) terminal emulators for developers. Discover, compare, and choose your next terminal with ease!
  • leaningtech/webvm - Virtual Machine for the Web
  • threlte/threlte - 3D framework for Svelte
  • saadeghi/daisyui - 🌼 🌼 🌼 🌼 🌼  The most popular, free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library







  • hemanth-07-11/Fake-virus-Prank - This is a Fake Virus Pranker, developed by HEMANTH N. Bluescreen.dat simulates the bluescreen of death in a system. EA cricket Installer.vbs simulates hacking a computer and endless EA cricket Install



Vim Script

Visual Basic

  • NYAN-x-CAT/Lime-RAT - LimeRAT | Simple, yet powerful remote administration tool for Windows (RAT)

Visual Basic .NET


  • kochrt/qr-designer - QR designer web app with a novel method of designing qr codes that does not take advantage of error correction
  • mainsail-crew/mainsail - Mainsail is the popular web interface for managing and controlling 3D printers with Klipper.
  • LeonKohli/browser-fingerprint - An app to demonstrate various browser fingerprinting techniques
  • CorentinTh/it-tools - Collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX.
  • evrimagaci/periodum - Periodum: An Interactive, Open-Source Periodic Table!
  • duerrsimon/bioicons - A library of free open source icons for science illustrations in biology and chemistry
  • iosorin/3d-headphones - 3D Product Configurator, Nuxt.js +Three.js ⚡
  • jason5ng32/MyIP - The best IP Toolbox. Easy to check what's your IPs, IP geolocation, check for DNS leaks, examine WebRTC connections, speed test, ping test, MTR test, check website availability, whois search and more!
  • bestony/logoly - A Pornhub Flavour Logo Generator
  • Lissy93/dashy - 🚀 A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!
  • AutomaApp/automa - A browser extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks
  • 0140454/hackbar - A browser extension for Penetration Testing


  • cardonabits/haxo-hw - Haxophone, an electronic musical instrument that resembles a saxophone
  • gchq/stroom-content - Content for Stroom such as XML Schemas, translations, pipelines and dashboards



  • ghostty-org/ghostty - 👻 Ghostty is a fast, feature-rich, and cross-platform terminal emulator that uses platform-native UI and GPU acceleration.
  • oven-sh/bun - Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, test runner, and package manager – all in one




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