see twitter as someone else sees it, by picking someone you follow at random and creating a list populated with everyone they follow.
requirements: python 2.7x, tweepy, valid twitter API credentials
pip install tweepy
then you'll need to visit to create an application (if you don't have one already) and get your API credentials. here's a guide that explains how to do that:
note the following information:
Consumer Key
Consumer Secret
Access Token
Access Token Secret
Owner ID
paste each of those (and your twitter handle) into its appropriate field in creds.txt, and you should be able to run the script.
edit line 70 and change the name 'goggles' to a different name
delete lists from inside twitter at
lists go up to 5,000 now (@hugovk)
list opens in browser when complete (@hugovk)
lists are now private by default
added user handle to creds.txt
initial release