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Building Demand SIA 380

maxenceryan edited this page Sep 23, 2021 · 11 revisions
Icon Name ID Category Subcategory
icon Building demand SIA 380 Sia380 [hive] Demand


Heating, cooling and electricity demand calculation based on SIA 380


Name ID Description Type
Room properties RoomProperties Room properties as json. Could be from SIA 2024, or custom. It needs to follow the hive sia2024-json syntax json
Room schedules RoomSchedules Room schedules for occupancy, devices and lighting as json. Could be from SIA 2024, or custom. It needs to follow the hive sia2024-schedules-json syntax json
Floor area FloorArea Floor area of the zone in m^2. float
Air temperature T_e Hourly ambient air temperature in °C. float
Setpoints upper bounds SetpointsUB Hourly room temperature setpoints in °C (upper bound). float
Setpoints lower bounds SetpointsLB Hourly room temperature setpoints in °C (lower bound). float
Envelope surface areas SurfaceAreas Envelope surface areas of all external room surfaces in m^2. float
Envelope surface types SurfaceTypes Envelope surface types of all external room surfaces. Either 'opaque' or 'transp'. string
Surface irradiation Q_s_tree Surface irradiation per transparent surface. Grasshopper tree, with each branch representing a transparent surface and containing 8760 timeseries of solar irradiation in Wh. generic
Surface irradiation unobstructed Q_s_tree_unobstructed Unobstructed surface irradiation per surface. This tree is used, if the obstructed data (parameter above) is null. Grasshopper tree, same as parameter above. generic
G value gValue G value of windows float
G value with sunscreen gValueTotal G value total including sunscreen ('Sonnenschutz') of windows float
Setpoint sunscreen SetpointSunscreen Shading setpoint for activating sunscreen of windows, in W/m^2 float
Run obstructed solar simulation? RunObstructed? Boolean to indicate if an obstructed solar simulation is conducted. True if yes. boolean
Run hourly? RunHourly? Boolean to indicate if to run monthly or hourly simulations. True if hourly. boolean
Use adaptive comfort? UseAdaptiveComfort? Boolean to indicate if adaptive comfort should be used instead of fixed setpoints. True if yes. Defaults to yes if setpoints_ub and setpoints_lb are null. boolean
Use natural ventilation? UseNaturalVentilation? Boolean to indicate if natural ventilation should be considered (True) or not (False). boolean
Use fixed time constant? UseFixedTimeConstant? Boolean to indicate if the fixed time constant from SIA 2024 should be used (True) or dynamically calculated based on capacities (False). boolean


Name ID Description Type
Heating demand Q_Heat Heating loads of a zone in kWh. float
Domestic hot water demand Q_dhw Domestic hot water demands of a zone in kWh. float
Cooling demand Q_Cool Cooling loads of a zone in kWh. float
Electricity demand Q_Elec Electricity loads of a zone in kWh. float
Transmission heat losses Q_T Transmission heat losses of a zone in kWh. float
Ventilation heat losses Q_V Ventilation heat losses of a zone in kWh. float
Internal gains Q_i Internal gains of a zone in kWh. float
Solar gains Q_s Solar gains of a zone in kWh. float
Transmission heat losses of opaque surfaces Q_T_opaque Transmission heat losses through opaque envelope surfaces in kWh float
Transmission heat losses of transparent surfaces Q_T_transp Transmission heat losses through transparent envelope surfaces in kWh float
Solar gains per transparent surface Q_s_per_window Solar gains per transparent surface (window). Grasshopper tree with each branch representing one window and containing a timeseries of irradiation values in kWh. float


TODO: find this component in an example file / create an example file

See also

  • TODO: link to similar / collaborating components

Developer info

  • Assembly: Hive.Core.sia380.ghpy
  • Source: src/Hive.Core/sia380/