Differentiate any algebraic expression
This is something I wrote while learning functional programming in Haskell. I had already written something similar in objected-oriented Python, and I learned a lot from rewriting it in a purely functional way.
Supported functions: sin
, cos
, tan
, sec
, log
, exp
, sqrt
The book I used to learn Haskell - Learn You a Haskell for Great Good
The parser is written using Parsec - Parsec
ghc --make differentiate.hs
- Use
instead of-
for unary minus. - Integers are not supported yet, use float instaed : 2.0 instead of 2.
- Brackets have to be used in some places to get the expression parsed correctly, specifically, while writing unary expressions.
$ ./differentiate
Expression in terms of x? (Note: Use ~ for unary minus)
Parsed as: (sin(cos('x')))
Result: ((cos(cos('x'))) * (-(sin('x'))))
$ ./differentiate
Expression in terms of x? (Note: Use ~ for unary minus)
Parsed as: ((sin('x')) * ((cos('x')) - (tan('x'))))
Result: (((sin('x')) * ((-(sin('x'))) - ((sec('x')) ^ (2.0)))) + ((cos('x')) * ((cos('x')) - (tan('x')))))