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Small, single-file TOML parser written in Modern Fortran


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A small TOML-parsing library written in Modern Fortran. I wrote this instead of using TOML-f because I needed TOML parsing in my research code and on an HPC cluster and didn't want to take on a large external library. You should probably use that library instead of this one if you can.

Consists of a single c. 1000 line file.

Does not currently support all TOML features. Missing features include:

  • Nested arrays
  • Arrays that span mutliple lines
  • Arrays of inline tables
  • Nested tables (i.e. [tab1.tab2])
  • Dates and times
  • Binary, Hexadecimal, and octal literals


To install, just download the files from this repository and add the source file to your Fortran project's source directory. Compile using your build system of choice.

A sample Makefile is provided for building the example code. Clone the repository and run make. To run the example program, type ./toml.exe test/example.toml


Tested with both gfortran and ifort on Linux.


Let's say we have a TOML file saved as example.toml. Its contents are:

string_option = "a string"
array_option = [1.0, 0.1]
float_option = 0.1
bool_option = false
integer_option = 2

properties = {mass_g=83.798, color = "red", in_stock = 1}

properties = {mass_g=131.293, color = "orange", in_stock = 3}

To read this file in our program, we must first define a toml_object object. This is the root note of the parsed TOML file. We can then read toml data from a file using the parse_file function

use TinyTOML

type(toml_object):: toml_content

toml_content = parse_file("example.toml)

To get a sub-object, such as the [options] table, we use the get function. Passing a string retrieves the corresponding key, while passing an integer gives the value at that index.

type(toml_object):: options

! Since "options" is the first thing in the file,
! these are all equivalent
options = toml_content%get("options")
options = toml_content%get(1)
options = get(toml_content, "options")
options = get(toml_content, 1)

In order to read the value of a TOML object into a Fortran data-type, we use the read_value subroutine. This supports integers, logicals, reals, and arrays thereof, in addition to strings. When reading arrays, you are expected to pass an allocatable variable.

real(f64):: float_option
real(f64), allocatable:: array_option(:)

call read_value(options%get("float_option"), float_option)
call read_value(options%get("array_option"), array_option)

If you want to try to read an option from the TOML file but assign a default value if the target key isn't found, you can use the following pattern. Passing error = .false. to the get method suppresses the throwing of an error and instead returns a toml_object with a KEY_NOT_FOUND error code (error code 15).

call read_value(option%get("nonexistent_option", error = .false.), float_option, default = 2.0_f64)

To dump the contents of a toml_object into a string, call the stringify function, i.e.

print*, options%stringify()
print*, stringify(options) ! this is equivalent

With the file above, this produces the following JSON-like output.

options: {string_option::string = "a string", array_option: [1.0::float, -0.1d20::float], float_option::float = nan, bool_option::bool = false, integer_option::int = 2}

A more complete example of usage is available in the test directory.


This library is a work-in-progress. Please feel free to open issues and pull requests to improve this repo.