Mall is a set of e-commerce systems developed based on Spring Boot & MyBatis Dynamic SQL and deployed using Docker containers.
The mall ecosystem includes modules or subsystems such as:
- Product system
- Order system
- Member system
- Mini-Program of WeChat
- Promotion system
- Financial system
- Statistics & settings
- ...more...
The front-end of the mall includes modules such as:
- Product recommendation, search and display
- Shopping cart, order process flow
- Member center
- Customer service, and help center.
- Statistics and settings
- Operation history and audit
The back-end management system includes modules such as:
- Product RESTful API
- Order RESTful API
- Member RESTful API
- Promotion RESTful API
- WeChat Payment
- Permission RESTful API
Mini-Program of WeChat for product recommendation, search and display, customer register and shopping