Equation Solver is java project that solves quadratic and linear equations
To run tests, you can run the tester classes
LinearEquationTester - to Run this you will need to create or use one of the .txt files in the dataExamples folder. For different Fields you have to use differnet .txt patter.
- For exmaple for SimpleNumber's you have to create a file in this format:
SIMPLE {{rowCount in this case 2}} {{columnCount in this case 3}} 4 3 11 5 -3 7
- For exmaple for ModularNumber's you have to create a file in this format:
MODULAR {{rowCount in this case 2}} {{columnCount in this case 3}} {{base in this case 7}} 4 3 11 5 -3 7
- For exmaple for ComlexNumver's you have to create a file in this format:
COMPLEX {{rowCount in this case 2}} {{columnCount in this case 3}} {{REAl}} {{IMAGINERY}} {{REAl}} {{IMAGINERY}} {{REAl}} {{IMAGINERY}} {{REAl}} {{IMAGINERY}} {{REAl}} {{IMAGINERY}} {{REAl}} {{IMAGINERY}}
QuadraticEquationTester - to Run this you will need to compile and run that file, after which it will ask you to write the 3 coefficient a, b, c
Drive Link - drive
Fix Bugs
Implement GUI
Add support for other equations