A fun attempt at applying Vigenere Cipher to images
Note: The project was made and tested only on JDK8. It might or might not work on other versions. You can downoad JDK8 from here
Download the JAR file from releases section.
Just like Vigenere Cipher it uses a main data and key. The only difference is tha both data and key should be images. The dimensions don't need to be same the program will adjust the dimensions of the key_image by itself.
The syntax to use the program is
java -jar image-encryption.jar /path/to/main_image.jpg /path/to/key_image.jpg -O /path/to/outputImage.jpg
java -jar image-encryption.jar ~/Pictures/taj_mahal.jpg ~/Pictures/joker.jpg -O ~/Pictures/generated_image.png
Encrypted image of samples/taj_mahal.jpg
by using samples/eiffel_tower.jpg
as a key
Notice how the program matches the dimensions of key image to that of main image
Encrypted image of samples/hagia_sophia.jpg
using samples/nasir_al_mulk.jpg
as key.
Encrypted image of samples/taj_mahal.jpg
using samples/hagia_sophia.jpg
as key