Monitors the expiry time of tls certificates and exports prometheus metrics. Target domains can be automatically discovered via ingress resources or specified on the command line/via environment variables
Usage of ./certificate-monitor:
-connectionTimeout int
Timeout when fetching a domain's tls certificate (default 4)
-domains string
Comma-separated SNI domains to query, or use the MONITOR_DOMAINS environment variable
-ignoredDomains string
Comma-separated list of domains to exclude from the discovered set, or use the MONITOR_EXCLUDED_DOMAINS environment variable
Should ingress resources be queried for domains
If true, then the InsecureSkipVerify option will be used with the TLS connection, and the remote certificate and hostname will be trusted without verification (default true)
-kubeconfig string
Path to kubeconfig file if running outside the Kubernetes cluster
-metricsPort int
TCP port that the Prometheus metrics listener should use (default 8080)