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Vaadin 8 | Spring

appreciated edited this page Jun 25, 2018 · 1 revision

Initialization of the Menu

When using SpringViews it is required to set AppLayoutBuilder::withCDI(true).
Also it is necessary to inject a custom Navigator or a ViewProvider into the AppLayout. This can be done via AppLayoutBuilder::withNavigatorProducer as to be seen in the code example below.

@Viewport("initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1")
public class MyUI extends UI {

    SpringNavigator navigator;

    protected void init(VaadinRequest vaadinRequest) {
                .withTitle("Appbar Demo")
                .withAppBarIconComponent(new RoundImage(new ThemeResource("logo.png")))
                .withNavigationElementInfoProvider(new DefaultSpringNavigationElementInfoProvider())
                .add(new MenuHeader("App-Layout", "0.9.14", new ThemeResource("logo.png")), HEADER)
                .add(SubmenuBuilder.get("Submenu", VaadinIcons.FILE_TREE)
                        .add(SubmenuBuilder.get("SubSubMenu", VaadinIcons.FILE_TREE)
                .addClickable("Click Me", VaadinIcons.QUESTION, clickEvent -> {/*Click Event*/})
                .add(SixthView.class, FOOTER)
                .withNavigatorProducer(components -> {
                    navigator.init(this, components);
                    return navigator;

Default View

The Default View always has a @SpringView(name = ""). If the User navigates to the default path this View will be shown. The Annotations @MenuCaption("Home") and @MenuIcon(VaadinIcons.HOME) are optional and can be used to set name and the icon for the menu entry that is generated for this view. To make them have an effect you need to set:

AppLayoutBuilder::withNavigationElementInfoProvider(new DefaultSpringNavigationElementInfoProvider())
@SpringView(name = "") 
public class FirstView extends VerticalLayout implements View {


Other Views

Other Views always require to have a unique @SpringView(name = "<my-path>"). If the User navigates to the path<my-path> this View will be shown.

@SpringView(name = "second")
public class SecondView extends VerticalLayout implements View {

