Starting off with a quarto book proj for a julia handbook.
- Using VScode because you can run Julia in terminal (RStudio doesn't currently support)
- Quarto projects is the new replacement for R's {bookdown}, and is much more flexible and clean
- install the following:
- Julia
- necessary additions for working with quarto
- note just like R, Julia is the backend hideous to work with, and Rstudio or VScode are the front end - unfortunately Rstudio doesn't currently allow you to run Julia in the console, but this might come ? which would simplify things
- Visual Studio Code note CODE in blue not purple
- Once installed you can clone the repo directly from VScode
- Julia
- Julia has built in package management (called {pkg}) for a project (the equivalent of R's {renv})
- read the julia documentation on directories
- see the pkg documentation for how this works