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Data source provider for Reshet News

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Please keep in mind that in order to run this project you will need Applicaster NPM TOKEN in your env variables.


  1. Clone this repo;
  2. Navigate to the project folder;
  3. Run npm install;

Running the tests

We're using as our test runner. Tests should be placed in the test folder which is following project folder structure.


Provider is an npm package which is part of our applicaster private npm account

Deploying to npm

  1. Change version number inside package.json (or use npm version patch/minor/major)
  2. Build bundle: npm run build;
  3. Publish bundle to npm npm publish.

Updating plugin-manifest

  1. Install zappifest if you don't have it yet. [](Instllation instructions)
  2. Update npm package version number inside plugin-manifest.json file. dependency_version: x.x.xx
  3. run zappifest publish --plugin-id <plugin ID> --manifest plugin-manifest.json --access-token <yourAccessToken>

Bundling DSP bundle for your app

Bundeling the data source provider to your app is done through the feed section in the ui builder. For more information please refer to


Testing locally in the browser

  1. run npm start
  2. open your browser at http://localhost:8080/reshetnewsds/fetchData?type=[type]&param1=[param1]...&paramN=[paramN]

List of Handlers

home - returns a feed of items

Parameter Description Type Example
id collection index String id=0

Url example: reshetnewsds://fetchData?type=home&id=0

vod - returns a feed of items

Parameter Description Type Example
id collection index String id=0

Url example: reshetnewsds://fetchData?type=vod&id=0

live - returns a feed of items

Parameter Description Type Example
id collection index String id=0

Url example: reshetnewsds://fetchData?type=live&id=0

channel - returns a feed of items

Parameter Description Type Example
id channel id String id=0

Url example: reshetnewsds://fetchData?type=channel&id=12947


No description, website, or topics provided.







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