10.0.0 (2025-01-31)
- The following driver methods and properties were removed:
- executeMobile
- mobileCommandsMapping
- mobileLock
- mobilePushFile
- mobilePullFolder
- mobilePullFile
- mobileActivateApp
- mobileQueryAppState
- Arguments of the following driver methods were changed:
- mobileExecEmuConsoleCommand
- mobileShell
- mobileChangePermissions
- mobileGetPermissions
- mobilePerformEditorAction
- mobileGetDeviceTime
- mobileStartScreenStreaming
- mobileDeleteFile
- mobileIsAppInstalled
- mobileRemoveApp
- mobileTerminateApp
- mobileInstallApp
- mobileClearApp
- mobileStartService
- mobileStopService
- mobileStartActivity
- mobileBroadcast
- mobileGetContexts
- mobileUnlock
- mobileRefreshGpsCache
- mobileStartMediaProjectionRecording
- mobileStopMediaProjectionRecording
- mobileGetConnectivity
- mobileSetConnectivity
- mobileDeviceidle
- mobileBluetooth
- mobileNfc
- mobileSetUiMode
- mobileGetUiMode
- mobileInjectEmulatorCameraImage
- mobileSendTrimMemory
- mobileGetPerformanceData
- mobilePerformStatusBarCommand
- mobileFingerprint
- mobileSendSms
- mobileGsmCall
- mobileGsmSignal
- mobileGsmVoice
- mobilePowerAc
- mobilePowerCapacity
- mobileNetworkSpeed
- sensorSet
- mobileSetGeolocation
- The following obsolete type definitions were removed:
- ExecOptions
- ShellOpts
- ChangePermissionsOpts
- GetPermissionsOpts
- PerformEditorActionOpts
- DeviceTimeOpts
- StartScreenStreamingOpts
- PushFileOpts
- PullFolderOpts
- PullFileOpts
- DeleteFileOpts
- IsAppInstalledOpts
- ActivateAppOpts
- QueryAppStateOpts
- RemoveAppOpts
- TerminateAppOpts
- InstallAppOpts
- ClearAppOpts
- StartServiceOpts
- StopServiceOpts
- StartActivityOpts
- BroadcastOpts
- LockOpts
- UnlockOptions
- GpsCacheRefreshOpts
- StartMediaProjectionRecordingOpts
- StopMediaProjectionRecordingOpts
- GetConnectivityOpts
- SetConnectivityOpts
- DeviceidleOpts
- BluetoothOptions
- NfcOptions
- SetUiModeOpts
- GetUiModeOpts
- ImageInjectionOpts
- SendTrimMemoryOpts
- PerformanceDataOpts
- StatusBarCommandOpts
- FingerprintOpts
- SendSMSOpts
- GsmCallOpts
- GsmSignalStrengthOpts
- GsmVoiceState
- PowerACOpts
- PowerCapacityOpts
- NetworkSpeedOpts
- SensorSetOpts
- DragOpts
- SwipeOpts