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area: accessibility
area: accessibility
Related to accessibility, e.g., accessibility standards and guidelines
area: active elements
area: active elements
These are related to the feature Active Elements
area: admin
area: admin
Issues related to server administration and service upkeep
area: API
area: API
Issues that affect the API
area: authentication
area: authentication
Issue is related to authentication
area: config
area: config
Related to course configuration
area: dependencies
area: dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
area: e-exam
area: e-exam
Important for electronic exams
area: end-of-course
area: end-of-course
Tasks that are done at the end-of-course (e.g. retriecing grades out)
area: enrollment
area: enrollment
Related to course enrollments
area: exercises
area: exercises
Related to exercises. Use other labels to focus issue to UI/backend
area: grading interface
area: grading interface
Stuff between A+ and grading tools
area: javascript
area: javascript
This issue concerns the JavaScript code
area: linguistic form
area: linguistic form
Textual issues about wording and language
area: LTI
area: LTI
LTI protocol (Learning Tools Interoperability, worldwide standard)
area: navigation
area: navigation
Issues related to menus and navigation
area: performance
area: performance
Related to the performance of the system
area: points/grade
area: points/grade
Includes points and grader per user and for all
area: pseudonymization
area: pseudonymization
About pseudonymization/anonymisation features of the system
area: questionnaire
area: questionnaire
Related to the questionnaire directive
area: statistics/analysis
area: statistics/analysis
Course statistics and learning analytics
area: student information systems
area: student information systems
Related to student information systems (SIS), e.g. Oodi, SISU, Salesforce
area: student tags
area: student tags
Issues related to student tags and using them elsewhere, e.g., for filtering students
area: user interface
area: user interface
User interface issues that are not specifically about navigation or user experience (UX)
area: utilities
area: utilities
Utility scripts
area: UX student
area: UX student
User experience and usability for students
area: UX teacher
area: UX teacher
User experience and usability for teachers
effort: days
effort: days
Estimated to take less than one week, from the creation of a new branch to the merging