This is a list of people who know about OpenAPI, AsyncAPI, JSON Schema, Postman Collections, APIs.json, and other API specifications.
People directly connected with API specifications:
- Antonio Gámez - antgamdia - Github
- Baljeet Malhotra - BaljeetMalhotra
- Ben Hutton - relequestual
- Bob Brauer - sfhomebase
- Daniel Arteaga Barba - darteagabarba - Github
- Darrel Miller - darrel_miller
- Dr. Ravinder Singh Zandu - ravinder_zandu
- Fran Méndez - fmvilas
- Isabelle Mauny - isamauny
- Jeff ErnstFriedman - namdeirf
- Jerome Louvel - jlouvel
- Joe Levy - Jodoglevy
- Kévin Dunglas - dunglas
- Kin Lane - kinlane
- Konstantin Savenkov - ksavenkov
- Lukasz Gornicki - derberq
- Marc MacLeod - marbemac
- Marco Palladino - subnetmarco
- Marjukka Niinioja - MNiinioja
- Marsh Gardiner - earth2marsh
- Martin Buhr - martinbuhr
- Matthew O'Riordan - mattheworiordan
- Mike Ralphson - PermittedSoc
- Ole Lensmar - olensmar
- Pablo Fernandez - Github
- Patrick Poulin - patrickrpoulin
- Pedro J. Molina - pmolinam Github
- Phil Sturgeon - philsturgeon
- Rifki Razick - rifki_razick
- Ron Ratovsky - webron
- Soravis Srinawakoon - ssrinawakoon
- Steve Willmott - njyx
- Taylor Barnett - taylor_atx
- Tanya Vladic - latestfromtv
- Ted Epstein - tedepstein
- Uri Sarid - usarid
People in the community actively talking about API Specifications (for example, people using OAS for their work where that work is not the OAS itself - the consumers).
- Adam Warski - adamwarski
- Aidan Cunniffe - aidandcunniffe
- Allen Helton - allenheltondev
- AmancioBouza - AmancioBouza
- Andrew Jenkinson - a_jenkinson
- Arnaud Lauret - arno_di_loreto
- Bruno Pedro - bpedro
- Chris Williams - Scampiuk
- Erik Wilde - dret
- Ivan Goncharov - e1goncharov
- Jason Harmon - jharmn
- Jeremy Whitlock - whitlockjc
- Jim Schubert - jimschubert
- Lorinda Brandon - lindybrandon
- Jason Judge - JasonDJudge
- Jim Schubert - jimschubert
- Mandy Whaley - mandywhaley
- M𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕨 R𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕓𝕠𝕝𝕕 - libel_vox
- Mehdi Medjaoui - medjawii
- Nuwan Dias - nuwandias
- Olivier Mengué - omengue
- Rob Dolin - robdolin
- Shelby Switzer - switzerly
- Tim Burks - timburks
- William Cheng - wing328
People who've mentioned what they are doing with specifications, but not much more.
- Will Be Curating Based Upon Twitter Hashtag - Looking to curate new faces / personalities.
I will keep curating this as the README for now, but at some point I'll switch to be YAML on the API Specification Toolbox, so we can track other relevant meta data, and use and distribute across the space.
We are using this README to manage this project, and Github issues to manage the conversation and all of the work that occurs around defining all of the areas of this work. If you have any contributions feel free to submit an issue or a pull request on this project, or any other in the API Specification toolbox, including the toolbox itself.