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feat:support kafka 2.7 using external zookeeper (#1297)
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Co-authored-by: lancelot1989 <[email protected]>
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lancelot1989 and lancelot1989 authored Dec 11, 2024
1 parent 15dab5f commit 68cd6cd
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,155 additions and 3 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ KubeBlocks add-ons.
| etcd | etcd-3.5.15<br>etcd-3.5.6 | Etcd is a strongly consistent, distributed key-value store that provides a reliable way to store data that needs to be accessed by a distributed system or cluster of machines. | free6om |
| greptimedb | greptimedb-0.3.2 | An open-source, cloud-native, distributed time-series database with PromQL/SQL/Python supported. | GreptimeTeam sh2 |
| influxdb | influxdb-2.7.4 | InfluxDB(TM) is an open source time-series database. It is a core component of the TICK (Telegraf, InfluxDB(TM), Chronograf, Kapacitor) stack. | |
| kafka | kafka-broker-3.3.2<br>kafka-combine-3.3.2<br>kafka-controller-3.3.2<br>kafka-exporter-1.6.0 | Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform designed to build real-time pipelines and can be used as a message broker or as a replacement for a log aggregation solution for big data applications. | caiq1nyu |
| kafka | kafka-broker-2.7.0<br>kafka-broker-3.3.2<br>kafka-combine-3.3.2<br>kafka-controller-3.3.2<br>kafka-exporter-1.6.0 | Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform designed to build real-time pipelines and can be used as a message broker or as a replacement for a log aggregation solution for big data applications. | caiq1nyu |
| loki | loki-1.0.0 | Loki is a horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. It is designed to be very cost effective and easy to operate. | Chen-speculation |
| mariadb | mariadb-10.6.15 | MariaDB is a high performance open source relational database management system that is widely used for web and application servers | yinmin |
| milvus | milvus-v2.3.2 | A cloud-native vector database, storage for next generation AI applications. | leon-inf |
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222 changes: 222 additions & 0 deletions addons/kafka/configs/2.7/kafka-27-server-constraint.cue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
#KafkaParameter: {
""?: string | *""
"advertised.listeners"?: string | *""
"advertised.port"?: int | *9092
""?: string | *""
"alter.log.dirs.replication.quota.window.num"?: int | *11
"alter.log.dirs.replication.quota.window.size.seconds"?: int | *1
""?: string | *""
"auto.create.topics.enable"?: bool | *true
"auto.leader.rebalance.enable"?: bool | *true
"background.threads"?: int | *10
""?: bool | *true
""?: int | *-1
"broker.rack"?: string | *""
"client.quota.callback.class"?: string | *""
"compression.type"?: string | *"producer"
""?: int | *100
""?: int | *600000
""?: int | *0
""?: string | *""
"controlled.shutdown.enable"?: bool | *true
"controlled.shutdown.max.retries"?: int | *3
""?: int | *5000
"controller.quota.window.num"?: int | *11
"controller.quota.window.size.seconds"?: int | *1
""?: int | *30000
""?: string | *""
"default.replication.factor"?: int | *1
""?: int | *3600000
""?: int | *86400000
"delegation.token.master.key"?: string | *""
""?: int | *604800000
"delete.records.purgatory.purge.interval.requests"?: int | *1
"delete.topic.enable"?: bool | *true
"fetch.max.bytes"?: int | *57671680
"fetch.purgatory.purge.interval.requests"?: int | *1000
""?: int | *3000
""?: int | *1800000
"group.max.size"?: int | *2147483647
""?: int | *6000
""?: string | *""
""?: string | *""
""?: string | *"2.7-IV2"
"kafka.metrics.polling.interval.secs"?: int | *10
"kafka.metrics.reporters"?: string | *""
"leader.imbalance.check.interval.seconds"?: int | *300
""?: int | *10
"listeners"?: string | *""
""?: int | *15000
"log.cleaner.dedupe.buffer.size"?: int | *134217728
""?: int | *86400000
"log.cleaner.enable"?: bool | *true
""?: float | *0.9
""?: int | *524288
""?: float | *1.7976931348623157e308
""?: int | *9223372036854775807
"log.cleaner.min.cleanable.ratio"?: float | *0.5
""?: int | *0
"log.cleaner.threads"?: int | *1
"log.cleanup.policy"?: string | *"delete"
"log.dir"?: string | *"/tmp/kafka-logs"
"log.dirs"?: string | *""
"log.flush.interval.messages"?: int | *9223372036854775807
""?: int | *0
""?: int | *60000
""?: int | *9223372036854775807
""?: int | *60000
"log.index.interval.bytes"?: int | *4096
"log.index.size.max.bytes"?: int | *10485760
"log.message.downconversion.enable"?: bool | *true
"log.message.format.version"?: string | *"2.7-IV2"
""?: int | *9223372036854775807
"log.message.timestamp.type"?: string | *"CreateTime"
"log.preallocate"?: bool | *false
"log.retention.bytes"?: int | *-1
""?: int | *300000
"log.retention.hours"?: int | *168
"log.retention.minutes"?: int | *0
""?: int | *0
"log.roll.hours"?: int | *168
"log.roll.jitter.hours"?: int | *0
""?: int | *0
""?: int | *0
"log.segment.bytes"?: int | *1073741824
""?: int | *60000
"max.connection.creation.rate"?: int | *2147483647
"max.connections.per.ip.overrides"?: string | *""
"max.connections.per.ip"?: int | *2147483647
"max.connections"?: int | *2147483647
"max.incremental.fetch.session.cache.slots"?: int | *1000
"message.max.bytes"?: int | *1048588
"metric.reporters"?: string | *""
"metrics.num.samples"?: int | *2
"metrics.recording.level"?: string | *"INFO"
""?: int | *30000
"min.insync.replicas"?: int | *1
""?: int | *8
""?: int | *3
"num.partitions"?: int | *1
""?: int | *1
"num.replica.alter.log.dirs.threads"?: int | *0
"num.replica.fetchers"?: int | *1
"offset.metadata.max.bytes"?: int | *4096
"offsets.commit.required.acks"?: int | *-1
""?: int | *5000
"offsets.load.buffer.size"?: int | *5242880
""?: int | *600000
"offsets.retention.minutes"?: int | *10080
"offsets.topic.compression.codec"?: int | *0
"offsets.topic.num.partitions"?: int | *50
"offsets.topic.replication.factor"?: int | *3
"offsets.topic.segment.bytes"?: int | *104857600
"password.encoder.cipher.algorithm"?: string | *"AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"
"password.encoder.iterations"?: int | *4096
"password.encoder.key.length"?: int | *128
"password.encoder.keyfactory.algorithm"?: string | *""
"password.encoder.old.secret"?: string | *""
"password.encoder.secret"?: string | *""
"port"?: int | *9092
"principal.builder.class"?: string | *""
"producer.purgatory.purge.interval.requests"?: int | *1000
"queued.max.request.bytes"?: int | *-1
"queued.max.requests"?: int | *500
"quota.consumer.default"?: int | *9223372036854775807
"quota.producer.default"?: int | *9223372036854775807
"quota.window.num"?: int | *11
"quota.window.size.seconds"?: int | *1
""?: int | *1000
"replica.fetch.max.bytes"?: int | *1048576
"replica.fetch.min.bytes"?: int | *1
"replica.fetch.response.max.bytes"?: int | *10485760
""?: int | *500
""?: int | *5000
""?: int | *30000
"replica.selector.class"?: string | *""
"replica.socket.receive.buffer.bytes"?: int | *65536
""?: int | *30000
"replication.quota.window.num"?: int | *11
"replication.quota.window.size.seconds"?: int | *1
""?: int | *30000
""?: int | *1000
"sasl.client.callback.handler.class"?: string | *""
"sasl.enabled.mechanisms"?: string | *"GSSAPI"
"sasl.jaas.config"?: string | *""
"sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd"?: string | *"/usr/bin/kinit"
"sasl.kerberos.min.time.before.relogin"?: int | *60000
""?: string | *"DEFAULT"
""?: string | *""
"sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.jitter"?: float | *0.05
"sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.window.factor"?: float | *0.8
"sasl.login.callback.handler.class"?: string | *""
"sasl.login.class"?: string | *""
"sasl.login.refresh.buffer.seconds"?: int | *300
"sasl.login.refresh.min.period.seconds"?: int | *60
"sasl.login.refresh.window.factor"?: float | *0.8
"sasl.login.refresh.window.jitter"?: float | *0.05
""?: string | *"GSSAPI"
"sasl.server.callback.handler.class"?: string | *""
""?: string | *"PLAINTEXT"
"security.providers"?: string | *""
""?: int | *127000
""?: int | *10000
"socket.receive.buffer.bytes"?: int | *102400
"socket.request.max.bytes"?: int | *104857600
"socket.send.buffer.bytes"?: int | *102400
"ssl.cipher.suites"?: string | *""
"ssl.client.auth"?: string | *"none"
"ssl.enabled.protocols"?: string | *"TLSv1.2"
"ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm"?: string | *"https"
"ssl.engine.factory.class"?: string | *""
"ssl.key.password"?: string | *""
"ssl.keymanager.algorithm"?: string | *"SunX509"
"ssl.keystore.certificate.chain"?: string | *""
"ssl.keystore.key"?: string | *""
"ssl.keystore.location"?: string | *""
"ssl.keystore.password"?: string | *""
"ssl.keystore.type"?: string | *"JKS"
"ssl.principal.mapping.rules"?: string | *"DEFAULT"
"ssl.protocol"?: string | *"TLSv1.2"
"ssl.provider"?: string | *""
""?: string | *""
"ssl.trustmanager.algorithm"?: string | *"PKIX"
"ssl.truststore.certificates"?: string | *""
"ssl.truststore.location"?: string | *""
"ssl.truststore.password"?: string | *""
"ssl.truststore.type"?: string | *"JKS"
""?: int | *10000
""?: int | *900000
""?: int | *3600000
"transaction.state.log.load.buffer.size"?: int | *5242880
"transaction.state.log.min.isr"?: int | *2
"transaction.state.log.num.partitions"?: int | *50
"transaction.state.log.replication.factor"?: int | *3
"transaction.state.log.segment.bytes"?: int | *104857600
""?: int | *604800000
"unclean.leader.election.enable"?: bool | *false
"zookeeper.clientCnxnSocket"?: string | *""
"zookeeper.connect"?: string | *""
""?: int | *0
""?: int | *10
""?: int | *18000
"zookeeper.set.acl"?: bool | *false
"zookeeper.ssl.cipher.suites"?: string | *""
"zookeeper.ssl.client.enable"?: bool | *false
"zookeeper.ssl.crl.enable"?: bool | *false
"zookeeper.ssl.enabled.protocols"?: string | *""
"zookeeper.ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm"?: string | *"HTTPS"
"zookeeper.ssl.keystore.location"?: string | *""
"zookeeper.ssl.keystore.password"?: string | *""
"zookeeper.ssl.keystore.type"?: string | *""
"zookeeper.ssl.ocsp.enable"?: bool | *false
"zookeeper.ssl.protocol"?: string | *"TLSv1.2"
"zookeeper.ssl.truststore.location"?: string | *""
"zookeeper.ssl.truststore.password"?: string | *""
"zookeeper.ssl.truststore.type"?: string | *""
""?: int | *2000

configuration: #KafkaParameter & {

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