aparx's sass-asrt
A simple error, assertion and type utility library for Sass.
Sass is a relatively small but really powerful CSS preprocessor that allows us to create complex styling using reusable code. At a certain point projects get bigger and bigger, where we need to assure that we use correct types and parameters.
sass-asrt provides you a bunch of, mostly type, utilities and assertions that you can use to validate parameters and the environment. It also adds custom error handling, so you can define how your errors should be handled.
The entire library is done using this guide: https://aparx.github.io/sass-style-guide/
You can find the sassdocs here: https://aparx.github.io/sass-asrt/
npm install sass-asrt
Very basic example:
// _some_mixins.scss
@use "../node-modules/sass-asrt" as asrt;
@mixin style-background($background, $foreground) {
// we can assert a certain type
background: asrt.check-is-color($background);
@if (asrt.get-is-color($foreground)) {
// $foreground is ensured to be a color
color: $foreground;
We can also add custom handlers to assertions, that are functions associated to a certain name in a global register.
@use "sass:meta";
@use "../node-modules/sass-asrt" as asrt;
// _handlers.scss
@function foo-bar-handler($errorMessage) {
@error "Do custom logic with #{$errorMessage}";
@at-root {
// we add a custom handler that we can reference in any assertion
$_: asrt.throw-handler-add('foo-bar', meta.get-function(foo-bar-handler));
// _some_mixins.scss
@mixin style-background($bg, $fg) {
background: asrt.check-is-color($bg, "not a color", 'foo-bar');
// ^ message ^ handler
// page.scss
.background {
@include style-background("notAColor", rgba(255, 200, 164));
// ^ Error: "Do custom logic with not a color"
There is a ton more, just have a look into the docs!