What's Changed
- Add Spring Security Plugin by @jojocodeX in #11418
- Optimization dubbo meter pull delay and add dubbo version meter by @songxiaosheng in #11457
- Triple stub support async mode by @icodening in #11464
- Add JRE utils (#11393) by @KamToHung in #11396
- Added support for Micrometer Observation API by @marcingrzejszczak in #11021
- Introduce Invocation#getInvokedInvokers to get invokers for ClusterFilter by @AlbumenJ in #11359
- Remove address invalid check by @AlbumenJ in #11496
- Fix curator5 version by @AlbumenJ in #11492
- Fix tri future by @EarthChen in #11455
- Fix ThreadLocal Remove by @AlbumenJ in #11443
- Fix metrics filter path by @songxiaosheng in #11392
- fix channelHandlers has null object (#11357) by @KamToHung in #11360
Performance Optimization
- optimized sync on channel write by @icodening in #11440
Code Enhancement
Releates PRs: #11456, #11352, #11433, #11420, #11386, #11383
Dependency Upgrade
- Update embedded-consul: 2.0.0 -> 2.2.1 #11363
- Update testcontainers: 1.15.3 -> 1.17.6 #11367
- Update maven-core: 3.5.4 -> 3.8.7 #11369
- Update spring-boot.version: 2.3.1.RELEASE -> 2.7.8 #11371
- Update sofa_registry_version: 5.2.0 -> 5.4.3 #11372
- Update apache-rat-plugin: 0.13 -> 0.15 #11374
- Update jsonrpc4j: 1.2.0 -> 1.6 #11375
- Update canteen-maven-plugin: 1.0.0 -> 1.1.0 #11376
- Update httpcore: 4.4.6 -> 4.4.16 #11377
- Update spring-boot-starter-test: 2.3.1.RELEASE -> 2.7.8 #11378
- Update maven-checkstyle-plugin: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1 #11380
- Update commons-lang3: 3.8.1 -> 3.12.0 #11381
- Update maven-jar-plugin: 3.2.0 -> 3.3.0 #11382
- Update maven-javadoc-plugin: 3.2.0 -> 3.4.1 #11364
- Update maven-plugin-annotations: 3.5.2 -> 3.7.1 #11365
- Update byte-buddy-agent: 1.12.14 -> 1.12.22 #11366
- Update fabric8_kubernetes_version: 6.1.1 -> 6.4.0 #11368
- Update spring-boot-maven-plugin: 2.7.7 -> 2.7.8 #11370
- Update maven-shade-plugin: 3.2.4 -> 3.4.1 #11373
- Update jedis: 3.6.0 -> 3.9.0 #11379
- Update spring version: 5.2.20.RELEASE -> 5.3.25 #11387
- Update hibernate-valida->r: 7.0.4.Final -> 7.0.5.Final #11416
- Update jetcd-launcher: 0.5.3 -> 0.7.5 #11412
- Update embedded-redis: 0.10.0 -> 0.13.0 #11411
- Update log4j2_version: 2.17.2 -> 2.19.0 #11407
- Update dom4j: 2.1.3 -> 2.1.4 #11405
- Update jetcd-core: 0.5.3 -> 0.7.5 #11406
- Update httpclient: 4.5.13 -> 4.5.14 #11401
- Update spring-boot-dependencies: 2.7.7 -> 2.7.8 #11398
- Update mocki->_version: 4.8.0 -> 4.11.0 #11403
- Update slf4j-log4j12: 1.7.25 -> 1.7.33 #11400
- Update pro->stuff_version: 1.5.9 -> 1.8.0 #11397
- Update maven-plugin-api: 3.5.4 -> 3.8.7 #11399
- Update maven-compiler-plugin: 3.8.1 -> 3.10.1 #11402
- Update maven-dependency-plugin: 3.1.2 -> 3.5.0 #11404
- Update hessian: 4.0.38 -> 4.0.66 #11410
- Update consul-client: 1.3.7 -> 1.5.3 #11415
- Update ->mcat-embed-core: 8.5.78 -> 8.5.85 #11414
- Update avro: 1.8.2 -> 1.11.1 #11409
- Update maven-clean-plugin: 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0 #11413
- Update mina-core: 2.1.5 -> 2.2.1 #11408
- Update xmemcached: 1.3.6 -> 1.4.3 #11486
- Update maven-failsafe-plugin: 3.0.0-M5 -> 3.0.0-M8 #11485
- Update maven-release-plugin: 3.0.0-M1 -> 3.0.0-M7 #11484
- Update mocki->-junit-jupiter: 3.8.0 -> 3.12.4 #11483
- Update api: 0.1.23 -> 0.1.35 #11482
- Update netty: 3.2.5.Final -> 3.2.10.Final #11481
- Update bytebuddy.version: 1.12.22 -> 1.12.23 #11480
- Update fst: 2.48-jdk-6 -> 2.57 #11478
- Update libthrift: 0.15.0 -> 0.17.0 #11476
- Update commons-compress: 1.21 -> 1.22 #11475
- Update maven-enforcer-plugin: 3.1.0 -> 3.2.1 #11474
- Update fabric8_kubernetes_version: 6.4.0 -> 6.4.1 #11473
- Update logback-classic: 1.2.11 -> 1.4.5 #11472
- Update reac->r-core: 3.4.19 -> 3.5.2 #11470
- Update maven-jxr-plugin: 2.2 -> 2.5 #11469
- Update native-image-maven-plugin: -> 21.2.0 #11468
- Update apollo-client: 2.0.1 -> 2.1.0 #11467
- Update kryo-serializers: 0.42 -> 0.45 #11477
- Update maven-surefire-plugin: 3.0.0-M5 -> 3.0.0-M8 #11479
- Update cxf_version: 3.1.15 -> 3.5.5 #11471
- Update netty: 4.1.72.Final -> 4.1.87.Final #11507
Dubbo would like to thank the following contributors for their contributions to this release:
@AlbumenJ, @CrazyHZM, @EarthChen, @icodening, @jojocodeX, @KamToHung, @marcingrzejszczak, @mieah, @sconvent, @ShenFeng312, @songxiaosheng, @wxbty
New Contributors
- @KamToHung made their first contribution in #11360
- @marcingrzejszczak made their first contribution in #11021
- @mieah made their first contribution in #11433
Full Changelog: dubbo-3.2.0-beta.4...dubbo-3.2.0-beta.5