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add test simplify comparison predicate
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yujun777 committed Dec 3, 2024
1 parent 8514df8 commit 77dce5f
Showing 1 changed file with 170 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.

// TODO: date datetime comparison still has bug, need fix.
suite('test_simplify_comparison_predicate', 'nonConcurrent') {
def tbl = 'test_simplify_comparison_predicate_tbl'
def checkExplain = { expression, resExpression ->
def checker = { explainString, exception, startTime, endTime ->
def foundOutputExprs = false
def succ = false
for (def line : explainString.split('\n')) {
if (foundOutputExprs) {
assertTrue(line.contains(resExpression), "'${line}' no contains '${resExpression}'")
succ = true
if (line.contains('OUTPUT EXPRS:')) {
foundOutputExprs = true

explain {
sql "SELECT ${expression} FROM ${tbl}"
check checker
def testSimplify = { checkNullColumn, checkNotNullColumn, expression, resExpression ->
def types = ['']
def column = ''
if (expression.contains('{int_like_column}')) {
column = '{int_like_column}'
types = ['tinyint', 'smallint', 'int', 'bigint']
} else if (expression.contains('{decimal_column}')) {
column = '{decimal_column}'
types = ['decimal_3_0', 'decimal_5_2']
} else if (expression.contains('{date_column}')) {
column = '{date_column}'
types = ['date', 'datev1']
} else if (expression.contains('{datetime_column}')) {
column = '{datetime_column}'
types = ['datetime_0', 'datetime_3', 'datetimev1']
for (def type : types) {
if (type == '') {
checkExplain expression, resExpression
} else {
if (checkNullColumn) {
checkExplain expression.replace(column, "c_${type}_null"), resExpression.replace(column, "c_${type}_null")
if (checkNotNullColumn) {
checkExplain expression.replace(column, "c_${type}"), resExpression.replace(column, "c_${type}")

setFeConfigTemporary([disable_datev1:false, disable_decimalv2:false]) {
sql """
c_tinyint tinyint not null default 1,
c_tinyint_null tinyint,
c_smallint smallint not null default 1,
c_smallint_null smallint,
c_int int not null default 1,
c_int_null int,
c_bigint bigint not null default 1,
c_bigint_null bigint,
c_decimal_3_0 decimal(3, 0) not null default 1,
c_decimal_3_0_null decimal(3, 0),
c_decimal_5_2 decimal(5, 2) not null default 1,
c_decimal_5_2_null decimal(5, 2),
c_date date not null default '2000-01-01',
c_date_null date,
c_datev1 datev1 not null default '2000-01-01',
c_datev1_null datev1 null,
c_datetime_0 datetime(0) not null default '2000-01-01 00:00:00',
c_datetime_0_null datetime(0),
c_datetime_3 datetime(3) not null default '2000-01-01 00:00:00',
c_datetime_3_null datetime(3),
c_datetimev1 datetimev1 not null default '2000-01-01 00:00:00',
c_datetimev1_null datetimev1
PROPERTIES ('replication_num' = '1');

testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} = CAST(1.00 as DOUBLE)', '({int_like_column} = 1)'
testSimplify true, false, '{int_like_column} = CAST(1.01 as DOUBLE)', 'AND[{int_like_column} IS NULL,NULL]'
testSimplify false, true, '{int_like_column} = CAST(1.01 as DOUBLE)', 'FALSE'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} <=> CAST(1.01 as DOUBLE)', 'FALSE'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} > CAST(1.00 as DOUBLE)', '({int_like_column} > 1)'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} < CAST(1.00 as DOUBLE)', '({int_like_column} < 1)'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} > CAST(1.01 as DOUBLE)', '({int_like_column} > 1)'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} >= CAST(1.01 as DOUBLE)', '({int_like_column} >= 2)'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} <= CAST(1.01 as DOUBLE)', '({int_like_column} <= 1)'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} < CAST(1.01 as DOUBLE)', '({int_like_column} < 2)'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} = 1.00', '({int_like_column} = 1)'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} > 1.00', '({int_like_column} > 1)'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} < 1.00', '({int_like_column} < 1)'
testSimplify true, false, '{int_like_column} = 1.01', 'AND[{int_like_column} IS NULL,NULL]'
testSimplify false, true, '{int_like_column} = 1.01', 'FALSE'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} <=> 1.01', 'FALSE'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} > 1.01', '({int_like_column} > 1)'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} >= 1.01', '({int_like_column} >= 2)'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} <= 1.01', '({int_like_column} <= 1)'
testSimplify true, true, '{int_like_column} < 1.01', '({int_like_column} < 2)'
testSimplify false, false, 'CAST(c_decimal_3_0_null as DECIMAL(10, 5)) = CAST(1.00 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', '(c_decimal_3_0_null = 1)'
testSimplify false, false, 'CAST(c_decimal_3_0_null as DECIMAL(10, 5)) = CAST(1.1 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', 'AND[c_decimal_3_0_null IS NULL,NULL]'
testSimplify false, false, 'CAST(c_decimal_3_0_null as DECIMAL(10, 5)) > CAST(1.1 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', '(c_decimal_3_0_null > 1)'
testSimplify false, false, 'CAST(c_decimal_3_0_null as DECIMAL(10, 5)) >= CAST(1.1 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', '(c_decimal_3_0_null >= 2)'
testSimplify false, false, 'CAST(c_decimal_3_0_null as DECIMAL(10, 5)) < CAST(1.1 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', '(c_decimal_3_0_null < 2)'
testSimplify false, false, 'CAST(c_decimal_3_0_null as DECIMAL(10, 5)) <= CAST(1.1 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', '(c_decimal_3_0_null <= 1)'
testSimplify false, false, 'c_decimal_5_2_null = CAST(1.0 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', '(c_decimal_5_2_null = 1.00)'
testSimplify false, false, 'c_decimal_5_2_null = CAST(1.1 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', '(c_decimal_5_2_null = 1.10)'
testSimplify false, false, 'c_decimal_5_2_null = CAST(1.12 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', '(c_decimal_5_2_null = 1.12)'
testSimplify false, false, 'c_decimal_5_2_null = CAST(1.123 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', 'AND[c_decimal_5_2_null IS NULL,NULL]'
testSimplify false, false, 'c_decimal_5_2 = CAST(1.123 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', 'FALSE'
testSimplify false, false, 'c_decimal_5_2_null > CAST(1.123 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', 'c_decimal_5_2_null > 1.12'
testSimplify false, false, 'c_decimal_5_2_null >= CAST(1.123 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', 'c_decimal_5_2_null >= 1.13'
testSimplify false, false, 'c_decimal_5_2_null <= CAST(1.123 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', 'c_decimal_5_2_null <= 1.12'
testSimplify false, false, 'c_decimal_5_2_null < CAST(1.123 as DECIMAL(10, 5))', 'c_decimal_5_2_null < 1.13'
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_0 AS DATETIME(5)) = '2000-01-01'", "(c_datetime_0 = '2000-01-01 00:00:00')"
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_0 AS DATETIME(5)) = '2000-01-01 00:00:00.1'", 'FALSE'
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_0_null AS DATETIME(5)) = '2000-01-01 00:00:00.1'", 'AND[c_datetime_0_null IS NULL,NULL]'
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_0_null AS DATETIME(5)) <=> '2000-01-01 00:00:00.1'", 'FALSE'
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_0 AS DATETIME(5)) >= '2000-01-01 00:00:00.1'", "(c_datetime_0 >= '2000-01-01 00:00:01')"
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_0 AS DATETIME(5)) > '2000-01-01 00:00:00.1'", "(c_datetime_0 > '2000-01-01 00:00:00')"
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_0 AS DATETIME(5)) <= '2000-01-01 00:00:00.1'", "(c_datetime_0 <= '2000-01-01 00:00:00')"
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_0 AS DATETIME(5)) < '2000-01-01 00:00:00.1'", "(c_datetime_0 < '2000-01-01 00:00:01')"
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_3 AS DATETIME(5)) = '2000-01-01'", "(c_datetime_3 = '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000')"
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_3 AS DATETIME(5)) = '2000-01-01 00:00:00.1234'", 'FALSE'
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_3_null AS DATETIME(5)) = '2000-01-01 00:00:00.1234'", 'AND[c_datetime_3_null IS NULL,NULL]'
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_3_null AS DATETIME(5)) <=> '2000-01-01 00:00:00.1234'", 'FALSE'
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_3 AS DATETIME(5)) >= '2000-01-01 00:00:00.1234'", "(c_datetime_3 >= '2000-01-01 00:00:00.124')"
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_3 AS DATETIME(5)) > '2000-01-01 00:00:00.1234'", "(c_datetime_3 > '2000-01-01 00:00:00.123')"
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_3 AS DATETIME(5)) <= '2000-01-01 00:00:00.1234'", "(c_datetime_3 <= '2000-01-01 00:00:00.123')"
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_datetime_3 AS DATETIME(5)) < '2000-01-01 00:00:00.1234'", "(c_datetime_3 < '2000-01-01 00:00:00.124')"
// testSimplify false, false, "c_date = '2000-01-01 00:00:01'", 'FALSE'
// testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_date_null AS DATETIME(5)) = '2000-01-01 00:00:01'", 'AND[c_date_null IS NULL,NULL]'
// testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_date_null AS DATETIME(5)) <=> '2000-01-01 00:00:01'", 'FALSE'
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_date AS DATETIME(5)) > '2000-01-01 00:00:01'", "c_date > '2000-01-01'"
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_date AS DATETIME(5)) >= '2000-01-01 00:00:01'", "c_date >= '2000-01-02'"
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_date AS DATETIME(5)) <= '2000-01-01 00:00:01'", "c_date <= '2000-01-01'"
testSimplify false, false, "CAST(c_date AS DATETIME(5)) < '2000-01-01 00:00:01'", "c_date < '2000-01-02'"


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