brpc 1.6.0
What's Changed
- Support user interceptor of server by @chenBright in #2137
- Support TCP heartbeat of client by @chenBright in #2098
- Support function name in logging by @chenBright in #2247
- Support server-end progressive reader for http protocol by @TangSiyang2001 in #2210
- Support new DoublyBufferedData for suspended bthread by @chenBright in #2225
- Support force SSL for all connections of Acceptor by @chenBright in #2231
- Support fixed and jittered retry backoff policy by @chenBright in #2273
- Support release assert by @chenBright in #2306
- Fix rdma::GlobalRelease before event dispatcher is stopped by @Tuvie in #2220
- Fix compiler optimize thread local variable access by @ehds in #2156
- Fix butex wait_pthread handle EINTR by @jenrryyou in #2086
- Fix bvar::MultiDimension::delete_stats() may cause core dump by @ketor in #2237
- Fix compilation errors reported by GCC-13 by @adonis0147 in #2241
- Fix RDMA device logging by @372046933 in #2249
- Fix stack buffer overflow issue when calling copy_to_cstr by @jenrryyou in #2253
- Fix resource leak when there are multiple HCAs by @372046933 in #2252
- Fix unstable keepalive ut by @wwbmmm in #2261
- Fix coredump stack uncomplete when usercode throw exceptions by @smbzhang in #2256
- Fix compilation errors reported by Clang-14 by @thorneliu in #2243
- Fix missing BAIDU_GET_VOLATILE_THREAD_LOCAL in task group by @JimChengLin in #2262
- Fix compiler optimize thread local variable access on x86_64 by @adonis0147 in #2248
- Fix compile warning by @cdjingit in #2274
- Fix core when ssl is enabled without thread safety guarantees by @warriorpaw in #2180
- Fix macos ci failed with protobuf version by @wwbmmm in #2287
- Fix ignore SIGPIPE signal concurrent issue with other library by @lrita in #2301
- Fix flatmap element space should align with usertype by @ehds in #2288
- Support "print all bthread frames" command for gdb bthread stack tool by @AIxWall in #2217
- Reduce code for operator[] of FlatMap by @wy1433 in #2202
- Set http default method to "/" by @chenBright in #2168
- Use Hedron's Compile Commands Extractor for Bazel by @372046933 in #2250
- Initialize offset of round robin load balancer with a random number by @xiaoma2015 in #2289
- Support hint size of formatted string for string_printf by @chenBright in #2270
- Support move constructor for scoped_refptr by @byronhe in #2284
- Support rvalue task in execution_queue_execute by @chenBright in #2308
- Support graceful exit gflag for SIGHUP by @old-bear in #2272
- Improve/add documents by @Huixxi, @chenBright, @infdahai, @372046933, @cdjingit, @ra7more,@Thunderbrook @Xiaoyao708
Full Changelog can be found at: 1.5.0...1.6.0
Thanks to all contributors for the 1.6.0 version!