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Recipe Api

This is a simple API for managing recipes


  1. Install dependecies:

        composer install
  2. Create .env file

        cp .env.example .env
  3. Generate key

        php artisan key:generate
  4. Edit database settings on .env file

  5. Run the migrations with seed

      php artisan migrate --seed


There are 5 endpoint (postman collection is on the root folder recipe_api_postman_collection.json)

  GET       api/recipes ...................... recipes.index › RecipeController@index
  GET       api/recipes/{recipe} ............. › RecipeController@show
  POST      api/recipes ...................... › RecipeController@store
  PUT       api/recipes/{recipe} ............. recipes.update › RecipeController@update
  DELETE    api/recipes/{recipe} ............. recipes.destroy › RecipeController@destroy
  1. These methods allows us to make simple CRUD operations.

  2. All requests should be in JSON format. All responses are returns also JSON format.

  3. I prepared postman collection

    1. On the root folder. filename: recipe_api_postman_collection.json
    2. It has all get,post,put,delete examples
    3. All examples have data including post, put, delete
    4. Default get api/recipe/{recipe} example is get api/recipes/1 and if returns "Record not found." probably this record's deleted_at column is not null (removed example). Because data coming from seeder randomly.


  1. If any error occurs like Target class does not exists: RecipeController please run php artisan route:clear

What I didn't do:

  1. I didn't add any views.
  2. I didn't put an authentication middleware like auth:sanctum because its a demo project. At first I was added but commented later.
  3. I didn't handle the some sql errors like SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: ..., if APP_DEBUG is set true this error will show. Otherwise just displays server error.
    1. Its not a error actually. Its the default way but I want to mention.
    2. Examples: if user_id is not given on the post request or max string size is passed this error will show
  4. I didn't handle to duplicate data case on create/update.
    1. Maybe I should add unique option to title column. In the RecipeRequest class unique option can be add next to required option. This was a good approach
    2. But in this case I have to add another controls. I passed it right now.
  5. Lastly, I made a ingredients column but normally I would make this as another table, not a column. Then I will add relationships probably. But I used relationship in the Recipe model. When using the get Requests, user will show. So I didn't want to make another table and new relationship.


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