A CMS for small web sites (and/or blogs), written in Sinatra.
Content is written in Markdown and stored in text files. There is no database; write your content in your editor. Publish by pushing to a git repository.
You need a few gems:
$ sudo gem install builder haml maruku rspec shotgun sinatra vlad
Then clone the git repo and create some sample web pages:
$ git clone git://github.com/gma/nesta.git
$ cd nesta
$ cp config/config.yml.sample config/config.yml
$ rake setup:sample_content
That's it - run a web server in development mode with shotgun...
$ shotgun app.rb
...then point your web browser at http://localhost:9393. Start editing the
files in nesta/content
, and you're on your way.
See http://effectif.com/nesta for documentation.