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Language: Python CI

Data Discovery AI

Environment variables

In the root directory of the project, create a .env file.

Open the .env file and add the following line to include your API key:


Run the API server with Docker

Simply run ./ to run the app, this will create a docker image and run the image for you.

Host will be http://localhost:8000.

Run the API server for development


  • Conda (recommended for creating a virtual environment)
  1. Install Conda (if not already installed):

    Follow the instructions at Conda Installation.

  2. Create Conda virtual environment:

    conda env create -f environment.yml

Dependencies management

Poetry is used for dependency management, the pyproject.toml file is what is the most important, it will orchestrate the project and its dependencies.

You can update the file pyproject.toml for adding/removing dependencies by using

poetry add <pypi-dependency-name> # e.g poetry add numpy
poetry remove <pypi-dependency-name> # e.g. poetry remove numpy

You might want to update the poetry.lock file after manually modifying pyproject.toml with poetry lock command. To update all dependencies, use poetry update command.

Installation and Usage

  1. Activate Conda virtual environment:

    conda activate data-discovery-ai
  2. Install environment dependencies:

    # after cloning the repo with git clone command
    cd data-discovery-ai
    poetry install
  3. Run the FastAPI server:

    poetry run uvicorn data_discovery_ai.server:app --reload --log-config=log_config.yaml
  4. Run the tests:

    poetry run pytest

Code formatting

The command below is for manual checks; checks are also executed when you run git commit.

The configurations for pre-commit hooks are defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml.

pre-commit run --all-files


models name stricly controller:

available options : development,experimental, staging, production, benchmark

Option Purpose Typical Use
development Dedicated to active model development, testing, and iteration. Building and refining new model versions, features, or datasets.
experimental Supports exploratory work for new techniques or fine-tuning. Experimenting with new architectures, features, or hyperparameter tuning.
staging Prepares the model for production with real-use evaluations. Conducting final testing in a production-like environment to verify stability and performance.
production Deployment environment for live model usage in real-world scenarios. Running and monitoring models in active use by API.
benchmark Baseline model used to assess improvements or changes. Comparing performance metrics against new models.


syntax is :/....

File Structure

├── common/         # Common utilities, including shared configurations and constants, used across modules
├── model/          # Core ML logic, including model training, evaluation, and inference implementations
├── pipeline/       # Data pipelines for using ML models
├── resources/      # Stored assets such as pretrained models, sample datasets, and other resources required for model inference
├── services/       # Service modules for providing service functions for API use
├── utils/          # Utility functions and helper scripts for various tasks
├── extras/         # Supplementary files
├── notebooks/      # Jupyter notebooks documenting the design, experiments, and practical usage of AI features
├── tests/          # Unit test for critical functions

Required Configuration Files

  1. Elasticsearch configuration file File name esManager.ini saved under folder data_discovery_ai/common. Specific fileds & values required:

    1. end_point: the Elasticsearch endpoint of a deployment
    2. api_key: the API key used for access Elasticsearch
  2. Keyword classification parameter configuration file File name keyword_classification_parameters.ini saved under folder data_discovery_ai/common. Required two sections: preprocessor to set up parameters used for data preprocessing module, and keywordModel to set up parameters used for training and evaluation of the keyword model. Here are the definitions of fields:

    1. preprocessor
    Parameter Definition Default Value used
    vocabs Titles of vocabularies used to identify samples from raw data; multiple values can be separated by ', '. AODN Discovery Parameter Vocabulary, AODN Platform Vocabulary
    rare_label_threshold The threshold for identifying a rare label, defined as the number of occurrences of the label across all sample records, should be an integer. 10
    test_size A floating-point number in the range [0, 1], indicating the percentage of the test set size relative to all samples. 0.2
    n_splits Number of re-shuffling & splitting iterations for cross validation, used as the value of parameter n_splits when initialise an object of MultilabelStratifiedShuffleSplit. 5
    train_test_random_state The seed for splitting the train and test sets, used as the value of the random_state parameter when initialising an instance of MultilabelStratifiedShuffleSplit. 42
    1. keywordModel
    Parameter Definition Defalt Value used
    dropout The probability of a neuron being dropped. A strategy used for avoiding overfitting. 0.3
    learning_rate A hyperparameter determines how much the model's parameters are adjusted with respect to the gradient of the loss function. 0.0005
    fl_gamma The $\gamma$ parameter of the focal loss function, which adjusts the focus of the loss function on hard-to-classify samples. It should be an integer. 2
    fl_alpha The $\alpha$ parameter of the focal loss function, which balances the importance of positive and negative samples. It should be a floating-point number between 0 and 1. 0.8
    epoch The number of times the train set is passed through the model for training. It should be an integer. 35
    batch The batch size which defines the number of samples in each batch. 32
    validation_split The percentage of the training set to be used as the validation set. 0.2
    confidence The probability threshold for identifying a label as positive (value 1). 0.5
    top_N The number of labels to select using argmax(probability) if no labels reach the confidence threshold. 3
  3. Global constants file File name saved under folder data_discovery_ai/common.


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