An automatic grouping system that assigns everyone's group and judges for cubing comps. Since it grabs data from the WCA website or CubingTW. Competitions without competitor information listed in the websites above aren't supported by But if you already have the data from the competitors, can still do its job.
- python3 with the following packages installed:
- numpy
- pandas
- requests
- bs4
Find the English name of the comp at CubingTW. For example, 2019CKCubingParty for Chien Kuo Cubing Party 2019. If the name is correct, you should see the info page of that comp at
Run and paste the comp name if it asks to.
You should find a new folder created, containing general.csv and schedule.csv.
in schedule.csv, type in the schedule of that comp. Make sure you follow the instructions in that file. Aliases of some event names are listed below:
Event name alias nxnxn Cube nnn Pyraminx pyra Megaminx mega Square-1 sq Skewb sk nxnxn Blindfolded nbld 3x3x3 Multi-Blind mbld 3x3x3 Fewest Moves fmc 3x3x3 One-Handed oh 3x3x3 With Feet FEET IS NO LONGER AN EVENT :( Clock I ran out of alias ideas All the aliases are case insensitive.
In general.csv, you can decide whether a competitor will become a judge or not. Since only the non-newbies will be the judges, comp organizers and delegates can be viewed as a newbie. Just set their newbie value to 1. Also, if a newbie is familliar with the regulations and willing to be a judge, set their newbie value to nothing.
Run, and paste the comp name if it asks to.
You should find two more new files in the folder, respectively groups.csv for the comp grouping and judge.csv for their judge duty.
I suck at programming. If you've found any bugs, please report them at the issue section, or make a pull request if you're kind enough to do so.