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Base project for Great Northern Health Tracking Trek. EESTEC LC Tampere workshop November 2022


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Repository files navigation

How to run:

  1. Create env.cfg file with your token (see env-example.cfg)
  2. Use Dockerfile to build and run a Docker container


Base project for Great Northern Health Tracking Trek. EESTEC LC Tampere workshop November 2022

Crash course to git

  • git status

    • returns status of the repository
  • git add <filename>

    • stages file for commit
  • git add -A

    • stages all changed files for commit
  • git commit -m "Commit message"

    • commit changes to head, not yet to the remote
    • if you forget message an editor will open. propably vim, don't get scared
  • git push

    • sends changes to remote
  • git checkout -b <branchname>

    • creates new branch and switches to it
    • without -b handle checkout just switches from one branch to another
  • git pull

    • fetch and merge changes from remote to your local directory
  • check for more:

  • actual git documentation:

0. Installing required tools and packages

Git if you don't have already

  • sudo apt install git

Package installer for Python

  • sudo apt install python3-pip

Python Telegram Bot

Data is stored with sqlite3 database so let's install that

  • sudo apt install sqlite3

0.1. Getting access to repository

  • Log in or sign up to github.
  • Now let's fork this repository:
  • Forking means that you take a copy of source code and start independet development on it
  • main branch has few minimal examples
  • if you get stuck or want to check something there's a bit more advanced sources in other branches

1. Installing all libraries listed in requirements

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Talking to botfather and getting your token

  • start conversation with
  • make a copy of env-example.cfg and rename it to env.cfg
  • env.cfg is se to .gitignore so that we wont't publish our personal bot token by accident

3. Check echobot and conversationbot + 1_input_test


  • You may also fork the repository again
  • or just copy some of the contents

4. Plan your own features for the bot

5. Storing data into sqlite3 database

  • First make sure you have sqlite3 installed

  • This should be useful for windows users:

  • Check the changes in

  • There's two new files: and

    • first one is creating the database and second one is used for implementing methods that use the db

    5.2. Testing the database

    • Database handling can be tested by running program
    • /new command asks user a new datapoint which is now stored in the database by calling add_data method from db_handler
    • you can check that the value is indeed saved by starting sqlite3
      • sqlite3 <nameofdatabase>
      • .tables lists created data tables
      • SELECT <data> FROM <nameoftable> lists added datapoints
        • for example: SELECT datapoint FROM data_table


Base project for Great Northern Health Tracking Trek. EESTEC LC Tampere workshop November 2022







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