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Currently there are 4 clients and 2 instructors to login with, username: ExistingClient1 - 4 //Currently case sensitive password: ClientPass1 - 4

username: ExistingInstructor1 - 2 password: instructorPass1 - 2


The Anywhere Fitness Database Endpoints

User Endpoints

The main database url is All other endpoints add to this. User Endpoints apply to instructors and clients.

Method | Endpoint | Description

| POST | /register | Creates a user. Requires: name, username, password, role.

| POST | /login | Logs a user in. Requires: username, password, role.

| GET | /classes | Returns a list of all available classes. User must be logged in. | GET | /classes/:classId | Returns details for each class | GET | /instructors | Returns a list of instructors | GET | /logout | Logs the user out Broken as broken can be

Instructor Endpoints

Insructor endpoints return a 403 error when clients attempt to access.

Method | Endpoint | Description

| GET | /instructors/clients | Returns a list of all clients | GET | /instructors/:instructorId/classes | Returns a list of all fitness classes and clients in each of the classes that the instructor is hosting | POST | /instructors/:instructorId/classes | Add new class for the instructor. Requires: name, type, intensity, max_clients, day, start_time, duration, location image_url is optional | PUT | /:instructorId/classes/:classId | Updates existing class No required fields but all that are sent to the server will be sent to the database.

| DELETE | /:instructorId/classes/:classId | Deletes existing class

Client endpoints to come

Method | Endpoint | Description

| GET | /clients/:clientId/classes | Returns a list of all classes that a client is signed up for | POST | /clients/:clientId | Allows client to join a fitness class | PUT | /clients/:clientId | Allows client to update their information | DELETE | /clients/:clientId/classes/ | Removes client from class (currently broken)


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