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FAIS Command Line Tool

The beginnings of a command line tool for FAIS (and Wattle and SAS).

To install:

$ git clone
$ cd faiscli
$ make install
$ fais --help
Usage: fais [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Access FAIS functionality from the command line.

  -d, --debug  Display the browser.
  -f, --fake   Return fake data.
  -h, --human  Pretty print for human consumption.
  --help       Show this message and exit.

  courses     All courses and unit codes, useful for obtaining a unit code.
  enrolments  Students enrolled in a course.
  final       Students final grades for a course.
  function    Functions for --marks (int) and --grades (str).
  stats       Stats for final grades for a course.
  student     Student details.
  students    All current students.
  programs    Programs/degrees offered at ANU.
  program     Individual program details

Default output is csv. Use -h (`--human``) for output in tabular form for human consumption and some graphics too for certain commands (e.g., final).

Similarly for the wattle command line interface:

$ git clone
$ cd wattlecli
$ make install
$ wattle --help
Usage: wattle [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Access WATTLE functionality from the command line.

  -d, --debug  Display the browser.
  -f, --fake   Return fake data.
  -h, --human  Pretty print for human consumption.
  --help       Show this message and exit.

  marks  Wattle assessement for import into FAIS.


Create environment variables to avoid repeated username/password:

export FAIS_USERNAME u1234567
export FAIS_PASSWORD mysecret

Or a text file config.json in the user's ~/.config/fais/ directory:

{"username": "u1234567", "password": "mysecret"}

WARNING Be extra careful not to accidentally commit this file into github, for example by using a .gitignore file, and be aware that a sysadmin on your computer can view the file and thereby compromise your login information.

The environment variables take precedence over the config.json file.

A special username of u1234567 set via the environment variable FAIS_USERNAME will enable the --fake option, useful for demonstration purposes.


Basic usage is to output as csv. To output in a more human readable form, abbreviated to suit screen display use -h or --human.

courses mapping unit id, name, and title

List all FAIS course UnitIDs and the course name and title. FAIS indexes course offerings by UnitID.

$ fais courses | grep 3430
12886,COMP3430,Data Wrangling - S2/2021
12715,COMP3430,Data Wrangling - S2/2020
12252,COMP3430,Data Wrangling - S2/2019
11960,COMP3430,Data Wrangling - S2/2018

enrolments currently captured for a course in fais

List students enrolled in a course according to FAIS:

$ fais --human enrolments 12886
Enrolments for COMP3430 - Data Wrangling: S2/2021

     Username        Name (s) Status Mark Grade                  Degree  Sp
0    u1184735  Julien Siestto   Norm          D                 InfTech    
1    u1129310   Heath Lionast   Norm         CR                 InfTech    
2    u1140576  Sandra Jeapese   Norm         NC                   BADAN    
3    u1146762       Owener Lu   Norm         PA                   BADAN    
4    u1186686        Laty Chu   Norm         DE                   BADAN    
..        ...             ...    ...  ...   ...                     ...  ..
[146 rows x 7 columns]

By default the output will be csv, suitable for further command line processing.

wattle marks for fais upload

Extract the marks for an assessment from Wattle to a CSV file to load into FAIS. The course code here (34101) is Wattle's unit id corresponding to COMP3430 Sem 2 2021 and FAIS's 12886.

$ wattle marks 34101 "Quiz 1"
u1375694,1.75,Fred Smith,
u3267832,3.45,Joy Adams,
u5632660,4.95,Kieth Trimmer,
u1234567,,Trimp Trump,

final grades for each student in a course

List the final FAIS marks and grades for a course. With --human the output is in tabular form. By default the output is CSV which can be post processed by, for example, mlr, or other command line tools.

Note that different course will have different collections of assessment.

$ fais final 12886
Student,Fore/Last Names,Degree,Ass1,Ass2,Ass3,Ass4,FinalExam,Quiz1,Quiz2,Quiz3,Wattle,New Mark,New Grade,FAIS Mark,FAIS Grade,Seq.,Sp
u1234567,Mary Smithers,InfTech,9.10,10.95,19.00,none,44.38,4.00,4.50,5.00,none, , ,92,HD,21, 
u1234568,Howard Miller,InfTech,8.23,11.50,17.50,none,34.25,5.00,2.75,2.00,none, , ,87,HD,63, 
u1234569,Sally Meakiner,BADAN,3.22,12.00,11.00,none,35.90,4.00,4.50,4.00,none, , ,81,HD,36, 

TODO marks

fais marks 12886
u1234567,Fred Smith,COMP8430,8.65,13.50,17.00,,4.50,5.00,2.00,22.11,80,HD,Top student.
fais marks 12886 u1234567

stats for the final grades of a course

Summary of the course final marks and grades statistics.

$ fais stats 12886
Final Marks and Grades for COMP3430 - Data Wrangling: S2/2021

Mark Statistics
           count  mean  std  min  25%  50%  75%  max
FAIS Mark    117    51   32    0    0   66   72   90

Distribution of Grade Counts
            HD   D  CR  P  PX  N  NCN  WD
FAIS Grade  13  35  30  6  13  1   13   2

Distribution of Grade Percentages
            HD   D  CR  P  PX  N  NCN  WD
FAIS Grade  12  31  27  5  12  1   12   2

The following distribution plot is also generated, displayed, and can be saved to file:

student course enrolments and grades

Display the courses a student has taken and their final marks and grades:

$ fais --human student u1234567
Details for student: u1234567 -  Cathey Togo - F - MComp

      Course                                        Description Sem/Year Status Grade Final Comment
0   COMP2700                        Cyber Security Fundamentals  S2/2021           HD    89        
1   COMP4550                Advanced Computing Research Project  S2/2021           KU              
2   COMP3600                                         Algorithms  S2/2021           CR    61        
3   COMP2400                               Relational Databases  S2/2021     UN                    
4   COMP3310                                  Computer Networks  S1/2021           CR    61        
5   COMP4450                Advanced Computing Research Methods  S1/2021            D    72        
6   COMP2310                   Systems Networks and Concurrency  S1/2021            P    57        
7   COMP4691                                       Optimisation  S1/2021           CR    62        
8   COMP4650                                  Document Analysis  S2/2020           CR    61        
9   COMP2300        Computer Organisation and Program Execution  S2/2020           HD    85        
10  ENGN4528                                    Computer Vision  S2/2020            D    75        
11  COMP2100                      Software Design Methodologies  S2/2020           HD    81        
12  COMP1110                             Structured Programming  S1/2020           CR    63        
13  COMP3620                            Artificial Intelligence  S1/2020           CR    61        
14  COMP4660  Neural Networks, Deep Learning and Bio-inspire...  S1/2020           CR    61        
15  COMP4670                       Statistical Machine Learning  S1/2020           CR    67        
16  COMP2620                                              Logic  S2/2019            D    77        
17  COMP2120                               Software Engineering  S2/2019            D    71        
18  COMP3670                   Introduction to Machine Learning  S2/2019           HD    93        
19  ENGN4528                                    Computer Vision  S1/2019     UN                    
20  COMP2420  Introduction to Data Management, Analysis and ...  S1/2019            P    55        
21  COMP1100                     Programming as Problem Solving  S2/2018           HD    87        
22  COMP1600                           Foundations of Computing  S2/2018            D    71        
23  COMP1730                         Programming for Scientists  S2/2018     UN                    
24  COMP2610                                 Information Theory  S2/2018            P    53        

To get the students userid:

$ fais -h student `fais students | grep -i frederica | head -1 | cut -d',' -f1


Refinements to the output

  • The Comment should include any special conditions.

A plot is also generated, displayed, and can be saved, showing the students timeline history of subjects.

Other options that could be implemented:

$ fais student --detail COMP3430 u1234567   # Show the course details for student.
$ fais student --special COMP3430 u1234567  # Show any special requests.

students mapped to university id and name

To look up a students UID, you can use the students command:

$ fais -f students
u1234560,Sailee,Darsy,NA,FDD Eng. & Adv. Comp.
u1234562,Kyniah,Avontae,NA,FDD Eng. & Adv. Comp.

To identify particular students use a pipeline:

$ fais students | grep -i tommy