This repository contains a proof-of-concept for creating microfrontends with NextJS using Webpack 5 module federation feature. There are currently two apps:
- Homepage: A mock landing page for a website.
- Portal: A mock portal for a web application.
Both apps are built with Next.js, they share a page called "Boring Page" and a button component called "Boring Button".
To run the apps locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the repository directory:
cd nextjs-module-federation
- Install dependencies in both apps:
npm install
- Start the development server in both apps:
npm run dev
This will start both the homepage
and portal
apps on separate ports. You can access them by visiting http://localhost:3001
for the homepage and http://localhost:3000
for the portal.
The repository is organized as follows:
- nextjs-module-federation/
- homepage/
| + pages/
| | - boring-page.tsx
| | - index.tsx
| + public/
| + ...
- portal/
| + components/
| | - BoringButton.tsx
| + pages/
| | - boring-page.tsx
| | - index.tsx
| + public/
| + ...
contains the source code for the mock homepage app.portal/
contains the source code for the mock portal
is this file.
To share components between the Next.js apps and other front-end frameworks, we use module module federation. Portal has the source code of both the BoringPage and the BoringButton and Homepage reuses both.
Some possible improvements to the apps include:
- Improve the pages and components to make the use cases more realistic.
- Try both SSR and CSR.
- Share some vanilla/Vite React components to the Nextjs apps.
- Add JAML legacy code.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License.