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Sample web3 NextsJs application with smart contracts to create a crowdfunding system

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Coin starter

Web3 sample project to intereact between a react application (NextJs) and a smart contract hosted on a ethereum blockchain (solidity).


  • React (Nextjs)
  • Semantic-ui
  • Mocha
  • Solidity (0.8.11)
  • Web3 library
  • MetaMask
  • Truffle
  • Ganache
  • Adobe Free random logo generator

High Level Design


  participant Manager
  participant Contributor1
  participant Contributor2
  participant ProviderX
  participant Smart Contract
  participant IPFS

  Manager->>IPFS: Update image if any on IPFS
  Manager->>Smart Contract: Create a new campaign
  Contributor1->>Smart Contract: Contribute to the campaign
  Contributor2->>Smart Contract: Contribute to the campaign
  loop Every request
  Manager->>Smart Contract: Create a new request to start produt development
  Contributor1->>Smart Contract: Approve (or refuse) the request 1
  Contributor2->>Smart Contract: Approve (or refuse) the request 1
  Note right of Manager: Only if 50% <br>of approval
  Manager->>Smart Contract: Send tokens to Provider
  Smart Contract-->>ProviderX: Receive tokens

Ethereum side (Smart Contract)

Please use nodeJS 14 or higher

  • Install packages with npm i

How to deploy locally (ganache)

  • Download and install first Ganache from here and start it
  • Run npm run compile to compile contracts
  • Run npm run migrate to move contracts to local ganache

Truffle has a embedded blockchain but ganache has a nice interface, making transactions/users/contracts validation easier. truffle-config.js is already set to target Ganache by default, nothing to do on your side.

If you do some change to your contract and want to redeploy them as new contract, use npm run migrate-reset

Ganache preview: Ganache preview

How to run tests

Run npm run dev

Truffle feature are not used for tests (contract()), only standart mocha tests.

How to deploy on Rindekin (infura):


FE side (Nextjs)

Prepare your browser

You need to install Metamask extension on your browser

please never use your real wallet for that .... install it on a different browser, just to avoid any risk.

Add the local blockchain network in MetaMask by entering the RPC URL and Chain ID. Default Value are and 1337 respectively.

add ganache network to metamask

Be sure to select this network is selected :

confirm ganache network to metamask


  • Install packages with npm run install-fe
  • Update the NEXT_PUBLIC_FACTORY_ADDRESS value in kickstarter-fe/.env.local with the Factory contract address (available in the transactions tab of ganache) and the other default values as below :
  • Run npm run start-fe to start server on port 3000

How to run tests

Run npm run test-fe to run unit tests of components.

Because of the complexity of mocking Metamask, no e2e tests (cypress,etc.).

How to participate

Feel free to create PR to the master branch. Github Actions is used to run the solidity and FE tests. All checks need to be green before asking for a review.

Any comments , bugs tickets are also welcome !

Screen captures

Top page

top top

Campaigns top

campaigns top

Campaign Details

campaign details


request top request creatio


Sample web3 NextsJs application with smart contracts to create a crowdfunding system






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  • JavaScript 88.3%
  • Solidity 11.7%