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(Backbone + CoffeeScript + Browserify + SASS/SCSS + Image-min + Jasmine) x Grunt


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Backbone Boilerplate

Comprehensive foundation for Backbone-based modular web application that works!

Backbone + CoffeeScript + Browserify + SASS/SCSS + Image-min + Jasmine

Based on Grunt task runner and created with latest versions of NPM dependencies.

Application can consist of scripts written in JavaScript and CoffeeScript as well.

This boilerplate contains Backbone application example with sample test specs to let you easily dive into the workflow.

Getting started


You must have Node.js and GIT installed.


# Clone repository
 git clone

# Rename directory to your own project name
 mv backbone-boilerplate my-project

# Need to go deeper
 cd my-project

# Install dependencies
 npm install


# Remove existing git data
 rm -rf .git

# And create your own repository
 git init
 git add .
 git commit -m "Initial"


There are 3 main tasks to run:

  1. npm start (equivalent to grunt development or just grunt)
  • create browserify bundle
  • compile SASS
  • copy assets
  • minify images
  • create local dev server
  • run tests
  • watch for changes
  1. npm build (equivalent to grunt production)
  • create browserify bundle (minified)
  • compile SASS (minified)
  • copy assets
  • minify images
  • run tests once
  1. npm test (equivalent to grunt test)
  • run tests once


Backbone application files

Backbone files should be placed in app/modules/<modulename>. Each module should have its Backbone directory structure, for instance:


You can also place general purpose scripts (custom 404 view for instance) directly in app/modules/ app/collections/ and app/views/.

Backbone bootstraping

Application root file is app/main.js that depends on app/router.js and all app/modules/* files that are bundled together using Browserify require() into dist/bundle.js.

main is the default module that is invoked in app/router.js

index: function () {
    $(function() {
      var MainView = require('./modules/main/views/main');
      var mainView = new MainView();

Requests that does not match any pattern in Router are resolved by notFound function.


Main index.html file that is initially served to client's browser contains

  • Favicon
  • Compiled stylesheet
  • MainView container (for main module)
  • External libraries
  • Generated application bundle

Find out why external libraries are not bundled together with application scripts in Global libraries section

External templates

Browserify bundler is configured to be able to fetch external html templates instead of inlining them in your Backbone.View scripts.

For example we have a module with the following files in views dir:



<span><%- name %></span>


'use strict';

var fs = require('fs');
var template = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/repo.html', 'utf8');

module.exports = Backbone.View.extend({
  template: _.template(template),

jQuery, Underscore and Backbone scripts are globally available so we don't have to require() them. Find out more in Global libraries section.

Then in generated dist/bundle.js the above code fragment will be compiled into

'use strict';

var template = "<span><%- name %></span>";

module.exports = Backbone.View.extend({
  template: _.template(template),


All styles (SASS / SCSS / CSS) sould be located in app/styles/ dir to be properly compiled into dist/css/style.css.

Task runner will create temporary app/styles/compiled/ dir for SASS/SCSS equivalents in plain CSS with source maps.

Images and assets

Images should be located in app/img/ and app/styles/img/ to be properly minified.

app/img/* images will be relocated to dist/img/

app/styles/img/* images will be relocated to dist/css/img/

All other assets should be placed in app/assets dir and will be relocated to dist/.

Relocation respects original directory structure.

Global libraries

3 reasons why I don't bundle libraries like jQuery or Backbone together with application scripts:

  1. Making libraries exposed as global variables makes your code simpler and cleaner. You no longer have to put var Backbone = require('backbone') in each header of your scripts.
  2. Encapsulating all libraries within one bundle.js significantly increases load time (~50%) at slower connections.
  3. Including libraries as separate script tags from CDN allows the browser to load them simultaneously.

More details about that approach is described here

How to add another global library

Install library by node package manager

Download and save as a dependency

npm install <libraryname> --save

Add your library script from CDN (same version) in /index.html file before bundle.js

<script src=""></script>
<script src="bundle.js"></script>

Make your local library script available for test specs in build/tasks/

files: [
  'node_modules/libraryname/libraryname.js' <------ here

or download library contents

into app/vendor/<libraryname> dir and include in /index.html before bundle.js

<script src="app/vendor/libraryname/libraryname.min.js"></script>
<script src="bundle.js"></script>

Make your library script available for test specs in build/tasks/

files: [
  'app/vendor/libraryname/libraryname.js' <------ here

If your library size is small and used only in few scripts, consider bundling it together with application scripts and require('libraryname') explicitly where needed because advantages of globalizing it are barely distinguishable then.


Karma is used as a test runner, Jasmine as test framework.

Tests are run on PhantomJS - a headless WebKit based browser.

You can change browser that runs test to:

  • Chrome
  • ChromeCanary
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari (only Mac)
  • IE (only Windows)

Changing to Google Chrome example:

  1. Install Chrome launcher

npm install --save-dev karma-chrome-launcher

  1. Edit build/tasks/

a) change browsers from PhantomJS to Chrome

b) change plugins from karma-phantomjs-launcher to karma-chrome-launcher

You can write tests in .js and .coffee as well.

Test specs (including examples) are located in test/tests dir.

npm build and npm test tasks generate code coverage to test/coverage dir for each browser separately.

Watch & Reload

After running npm start task, Grunt watches your files for changes and refreshes browser contents with livereload when needed.

  • app/*.js or app/*.coffee changes ==> dist/bundle.js is created (+livereload)
  • app/*.html template changes ==> dist/bundle.js is created (+livereload)
  • app/*.scss or app/*.sass style changes ==> SASS compiles to dist/css/style.css (+livereload)
  • app/style/img/* image changes ==> png, jpg and gif files are minified into dist/css/img/ (+livereload)
  • app/img/* image changes ==> png, jpg and gif files are minified into dist/img (+livereload)
  • app/assets/* file changes ==> asset files are relocated to dist/ (+livereload)
  • test/tests/*.js or test/tests/*.coffee changes ==> test are run


Licensed under the MIT license.

Inspired by @tbranyen and @quartzmo projects

Created by Adrian Matylewicz @antarasi

Adrian Matylewicz on LinkedIn Adrian Matylewicz on LinkedIn


(Backbone + CoffeeScript + Browserify + SASS/SCSS + Image-min + Jasmine) x Grunt







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